患者男性,63岁。因反复咳嗽,咯痰半年伴发热3天于1997年11月28日入院。患者于半年前无明显诱因出现咳嗽,咯白色泡沫样痰,多于夜间出现,偶有痰中带鲜红色血丝。右侧卧位或平卧位时咳嗽加剧,左侧卧位或坐位时症状可减轻,无胸痛及胸闷。曾在当地卫生所诊断为“肺炎”,静滴青霉素,自服复方头孢氨苄胶囊,利菌沙片等药物,症状改善不明显。2个月前曾先后两次咯出数枚小米粒大小的微石物,当时无胸痛及咯血。3天前出现发冷,发热,最高体温38.6℃,抗炎治疗体温下降不明显,门诊以“肺炎”收入院。病程中无乏力盗汗。饮食、二便正常。既往于10年前曾咯出1块黑褐色、直径约0.5厘米的微石物。无特殊职业史。查体:T 37.2℃,P 130次/分,BP 20/11kPa,R 18次/分。精神状态可,
Male patient, 63 years old. Due to repeated cough, sputum six months with fever for 3 days in November 28, 1997 admission. No obvious incentive to patients six months ago cough, slightly white foam-like sputum, appear more than night, with occasional sputum with bright red bloodshot eyes. Right cough or supine decubitus position worse, left lateral position or when the symptoms can be reduced, no chest pain and chest tightness. Have been diagnosed in the local health clinic as “pneumonia”, intravenous penicillin, self-service compound cephalexin capsules, Lee bacteria sand tablets and other drugs, the symptoms did not improve significantly. Two months ago, he repeatedly promulgated a few pieces of millet grain size micro-stone, then no chest pain and hemoptysis. 3 days ago, chills, fever, the highest temperature 38.6 ℃, anti-inflammatory treatment of body temperature decreased significantly, out-patient “pneumonia” income hospital. No fatigue in the course of night sweats. Diet, two will be normal. In the past, a dark brown, microlithite about 0.5 cm in diameter had been made 10 years ago. No special occupation history. Examination: T 37.2 ℃, P 130 beats / min, BP 20 / 11kPa, R 18 beats / min. Mental status can,