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上杭地处闽粤赣三省结合部,区位优势明显,又有丰富的铜矿、水电、人力资源,上杭充分利用这一优势发展铜产业,经过4年的发展,现已初具规模。但在发展的过程中也遇到配套不完善、原材料供应不足、人才短缺等一些困难和问题。为了推进铜产业继续健康发展,上杭必须以科学发展观为指导,把目标定位定得高一点,把规划做得更完善一些,加快基础设施建设,强化服务,优化发展环境,大力引进和培养人才,全力推进铜产业项目建设,强化产业配套,延伸产业链,做大产业群,把上杭打造成海西铜都。 Shanghang is located at the junction of Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces. With obvious advantages in location and rich copper, hydropower and human resources, Shanghang fully exploits this advantage to develop its copper industry. After 4 years of development, it has begun to take shape. However, in the course of its development, some difficulties and problems such as inadequate facilities, insufficient supply of raw materials and shortage of qualified personnel were encountered. In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of the copper industry, Shanghang must take the guidance of the scientific concept of development, set the target higher and make the planning more perfect, speed up infrastructure construction, strengthen service and optimize the development environment, and introduce and train vigorously Talent, to promote the construction of copper industry projects, strengthen the industrial support, extend the industrial chain, bigger industrial groups, the Shanghang into a copper capital of the West.
利用崇化大梨×新世纪梨杂交得到的94株F1代实生苗为作图群体,应用mapmaker/exp 3.0软件构建了一张包括19个SSR标记,315个SRAP标记,合计335个标记分属于18个连锁群的遗传图谱
By analyzing GPS, leveling and gravity observation data from the Minle, Huazangsi and Shagouhe profiles across the Qilian Mountain-Haiyuan fault during 2005 - 2
The rare metal minerals of mineralized altered granites within the Ghadir and El-Sella shear zones,are represented by betafite,U-minerals (uraninite and uranoph