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乡镇成人文化技术学校对于广泛开展农村成人教育活动,对于广大劳动者思想、文化、科学、技术素质的提高和振兴乡镇经济,促进两个文明建设,推进农业和农村现代化建设正在起着越来越显著的作用。因此,大力办好乡镇成人文化技术学校,扩大其阵地,增加其容量,形成其网络,提高其质量,发展其效益,是农村成教战线上的一个重大而现实的课题。笔者就办好乡镇成人文化技术学校,谈一些认识。 The township adult culture and technology school for carrying out extensive adult education activities in rural areas is of great significance to the improvement of the ideological, cultural, scientific and technological workforce of the vast majority of workers and the revitalization of township economy, promoting the building of two civilizations and promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. Significant effect. Therefore, it is a major and realistic issue for the rural adult education and technical schools to vigorously run their schools, expand their positions, increase their capacity, form their networks, improve their quality and develop their benefits. I will do a good job of township adult culture and technology school, talk about some understanding.
中央党史研究室原副主任石仲泉在《前线》2008年第1期撰文:要解释中国特色社会主义理论体系为什么不包括毛泽东思想,需要厘清三个问题: Shi Zhongquan, former deputy direc
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我最羡慕那些拥有四壁藏书的人,不仅仅因为藏书使家庭有了高雅的氛围,显示出一个读书人深厚的学养,更重要的是,它比任何财富都值得自己和子孙骄傲。 有幸算是一个读书人,对