Study on Transport of Oxygen Through CaO-MgO-Al_2O_3 Slag From Molten Ultra-Low Carbon Steel by Chro

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:h8x8x8
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The deoxidization reaction at the interface between slag and metal is one of the most important reactions in the iron and steel making.The interface reaction and transport characteristics of Molten Ultra-low Carbon Steel with CaO-MgO-Al_2O_3 slag system under different over potential conditions of the system was studied.The electrochemical reduction mechanism at the interface between the molten slag and molten steel was investigated.The results showed that Chronoamperometry method is very useful for the study of interfacial reaction in the slag-metal system.The current of interfacial reaction decreases approximately linearly with t~(-1/2),and the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in molten slag calculated by Cottrell equation increased dramatically with over potential.In the open circuit potential,the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in the slag is about 10~(-8)m~2/s. The deoxidization reaction at the interface between slag and metal is one of the most important reactions in the iron and steel making. Interface reaction and transport characteristics of Molten Ultra-low Carbon Steel with CaO-MgO-Al 2 O 3 slag system under different over potential conditions of the system was studied. The electrochemical reduction mechanism at the interface between the molten slag and molten steel was investigated. The results showed that Chronoamperometry method is very useful for the study of interfacial reaction in the slag-metal system. The current of interfacial reaction decreases approximately linearly with t ~ (-1/2), and the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in molten slag calculated by Cottrell equation increased dramatically with over potential. In the open circuit potential, the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in the slag is about 10 ~ (-8) m ~ 2 / s.
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