外出垂钓 安全第一

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2004年10月,我们一行 数人到弋阳方团水 库钓鱼。钓至第二天中午,由 于鱼特难钓,钓兴全无,有的 进帐篷睡觉,有的开始烧午饭。 过了片刻,老徐见饭还没熟, 也没听到酒精炉吱吱的响声, 以为没有了酒精,火已熄灭, 便把碗端开,拿起酒精瓶直接 对着炉子倒。谁知炉子里还有 火苗,由于白天光照强没注意, 火苗瞬间顺着酒精烧到手上。 老徐本能地一甩手,把烧着的 酒精瓶扔到了旁边的帐篷上。 In October 2004, a few people went fishing in the Fangyang Reservoir of Yiyang. Fishing until noon the next day, because the fish is particularly difficult to catch, Fishing Xing none, and some into the tent to sleep, and some began to burn lunch. After a while, see the rice is not cooked, nor heard the squeak noise of alcohol stove, that there is no alcohol, the fire has been extinguished, then the bowl end open, pick up the bottle of alcohol directly at the stove down. Who knows the stove there flame, due to the strong light during the day did not pay attention, the moment the fire burned alcohol down to the hands. Xu-instinct to a hand, throwing the burning bottle of alcohol next to the tent.
维尔乔恩(M.J.Viljon and R.P.Viljon,1969)在研究南非巴伯顿地区科马提河流域的太古界剖面时,确认了一类火山成因的超基性熔岩,以及与之伴生的基性熔岩和超镁铁质岩墙、岩
一、引言 在某些地区,可发现一系列背斜和向斜呈斜列式排列,即所谓的雁行式褶皱。这种构造型式与沉积矿产、内生矿产以及石油和地下水资源的分布和富集,都有着密切的关系。
The acoustic and perceptive characteristics of discourse units, including clauses, simple sentences, compound sentences and paragraphs, were studied. The acoust
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