Nonlinear dynamic behavior of rubbing rotor under interaction between bending and torsional vibratio

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sevenff
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The nonlinear dynamic behavior of a rubbing rotor system was studied with a mathematical model established with the eccentricity and interaction between bending and torsional vibrations taken into consideration. The nonlinear vibrational response of a rubbing rotor was analyzed using numerical integral, spectroscopic analysis and Poince mapping method, which made it possible to have better understanding of the vibrational characteristics of partial rubbing and complete circular rubbing rotors. The numerical results reveal the response of torsional vibration mainly takes a form of superchronous motion, and its frequency decreases as the rotational speed increases when partial rubbing occurs, and the response of torsional vibration is synchronous when complete circular rubbing occurs. The comparison of the dynamics of rubbing rotors with and without the interaction between bending and torsional vibrations shows the interaction between bending and torsional vibrations advances the rotational speed, at which the response of bending vibration changes from a synchronous motion into a quasi periodic motion, and the interaction between bending and torsional vibrations reduces stability of the rubbing rotor. The nonlinear dynamic behavior of a rubbing rotor system was studied with a mathematical model established with the eccentricity and interaction between bending and torsional vibrations taken into consideration. The nonlinear vibrational response of a rubbing rotor was analyzed using numerical integral, spectroscopic analysis and Poince mapping method , which made it possible to have better understanding of the vibrational characteristics of partial rubbing and complete circular rubbing rotors. The numerical results reveal the response of torsional vibration mainly takes a form of superchronous motion, and its frequency decreases as the rotational speed increases when partial rubbing occurs, and the response of torsional vibration is synchronous when complete circular rubbing occurs. The comparison of the dynamics of rubbing rotors with and without the interaction between bending and torsional vibrations shows the interaction between bending and torsional vibrations advances the rotatio nal speed, at which the response of bending vibration changes from a synchronous motion into a quasi periodic motion, and the interaction between bending and torsional vibrations may stability of the rubbing rotor.
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A process to convert models made by rapid prototypi ng techniques like SL (stereolitography) and LOM (laminated object manufacturing) or by conventional techn
她是一位一位法学教授,是一位善于用理性的思维、务实的态度研究法学的学者。从法律专业毕业24年来,她在法学教学与研究领域、在司法实践的第一线默默耕耘 She is a profess