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四年来,全国文化馆、站事业有很大发展。它们通过各种群众性的文化活动,对广大人民进行了爱国主义和国际主义的教育,提高了群众的政治觉悟和劳动热情,是有成绩的。但是全国文化馆、站的发展太多太快,工作质量一般不高,不少文化馆、站存在着不少严重的缺点:首先是文化馆、站的性质和方针、任务不够明确;文化馆本来应该是开展群众文化活动的事业机构,但实际上不少文化馆的活动却超出了本身的业务范围,不适当地做了一些政府文化行政管理工作。工作缺乏重心,有些地方甚至发生官僚主义、命令主义现象;在服务对象方面未能特别注意开展当地工、农劳动群众中的文化工作,在宣传内容上,结合当地各个时期的中心任务不够密切,未能保证一定的政治质量;在宣传方式上也多下合群众的口味,有的文化馆在工作中发生铺张浪费,追求形式等不切合实际的倾向。在工作方法上,不善于依靠群众及组织和运用各方面的社会力量。产生上述缺点的原因,主要是文化行政主管部门对文化馆、站工作长期缺乏明确领导。不少地方的文化行政主管部门对文化馆、站缺乏具体指导、检查和帮助,甚至分派一些下称职的人员担任文化馆、站的工作,或常常调文化馆、站干部去做其他工作,因而使文化馆、站的事业得不到应有的 In the past four years, there has been a great development in the national cultural center and station. Through various mass cultural activities, they have educated the broad masses of people on patriotism and internationalism and have raised their political awareness and enthusiasm for work. However, there are still many serious shortcomings in many cultural centers and stations. First, the nature and principles of cultural centers and stations are not clear enough. Cultural centers should have been developed Mass cultural activities, but in fact many cultural centers are beyond the scope of their activities, inappropriately done a number of government cultural administration. Lacking the center of gravity in their work and even bureaucratic and orderistic phenomena in some places; failing to pay particular attention to the cultural work among the local workers and peasants in the field of service to the public; and in the propaganda content, combining the central tasks of the local time lacks, Failed to guarantee a certain political quality; more publicized the style of publicity, and some cultural centers in the work extravagance, the pursuit of the form of unrealistic tendencies. In his methods of work, he is not good at relying on the masses and in organizing and using all aspects of social forces. The reasons for the above shortcomings are mainly the long absence of clear leadership over the work of cultural centers and stations by cultural administrative departments. Cultural administrative departments in many places lacked specific guidance, inspection and assistance to cultural centers and stations, and even assigned some qualified personnel to work as cultural centers and stations or often called on cultural centers and station cadres to do other work. As a result, cultural centers, The cause of the station can not get it
青山隐隐水迢迢, 秋尽江南草末凋。 二十四桥明月夜, 玉人何处教吹箫。 杜牧 “天下西湖三十有六,唯独扬州西湖瘦”,扬州瘦西湖,又以“二十四桥”引人流连忘返。多年前江泽
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