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临川 ① 之城东 ,有地隐然而高 ,以临于溪 ,曰新城。新城之上 ,有池洼然而方以长 ,曰王羲之之墨池者 ,荀伯子 ②《临川记》云也。羲之尝慕张芝③ ,临池学书 ,池水尽黑 ,此为其故迹 ,岂信然邪 ?方羲之之不可强以仕 ④ ,而尝极东方 ,出沧海 ,以娱其意于山水之间 ;岂其徜徉肆恣 , Linchuan ① the east of the city, there is a hidden high, with Pro Creek, said Metro. On the new city, there is a pool of depression, but the party is long, saying that the ink pool of Wang Xizhi, Xun Bozi ② “Linchuan mind” cloud also. Xi Xi Chang Mu Chang Chi ③, Pro Chi Xue Shu, the pool of water to make black, this is its trace, Qixin Ranxie? Fang Xi not strong to Shi ④, and taste the East, out of the sea to entertain its meaning in the landscape Between; Qi not wantonly wanton,
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