
来源 :湖北审计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jf8410
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据《成宁市志》载:成宁植桂,始于明代,今为全国著名的桂花产地之一。所产挂花因其朵大、瓣香、色鲜、香浓,质量均居全国之首,故被誉为桂花之乡。在这暗香浮动的桂花丛中,有一个美好的去处——成宁市审计局。院内,丹桂成荫,浓浓烈烈,热热闹闹。只要一走进院内,你就会立即感受到,人们精神焕发,工作秩序忙碌井然,一幅四季大合唱的景象展现在你的眼前。冬,寒凛凛在四季分明的桂乡,冬天是令人不寒而颤的。不说那坚冰封锁的大地,飘洒的鹅毛大雪,单说那刺骨的冷风,冰凉的雨点,就使许多人安于暖室,畏难裹足。审计难,处理难,搞审计工作有时就如这冬。有一次,农林水审计股深入到市横沟镇十四个村组搞农民负担审计凋查。时值严冬,大雪纷飞,寒气袭人。可这次审计规定的时间很紧。于是五名审计 According to “Cheng Ning Zhi” contains: Cheng Ning Gui, began in the Ming Dynasty, this is one of the famous Osmanthus origin. Produced because of its flower hanging flowers, petals of incense, fresh color, fragrant, the quality of the first in the country, it is known as Osmanthus Township. In this subtle floating Osmanthus fragrans, there is a beautiful place - Chengning Audit Bureau. Hospital, Osmanthus fragrant, intense, bustling. As soon as you enter the hospital, you will immediately feel that people are full of energy and the work order is very busy. A scene of the Four Seasons Chorus shows in front of you. Winter, cold in the four seasons Guixiang, winter is cold and trembling. Do not say that the ice blockade of the earth, the floating snow goose feather, a single cold that that biting, cold rains, so many people in the warm room, fear difficult to wrap foot. Audit difficult, difficult to handle, sometimes as the winter audit work. On one occasion, the Agriculture, Forestry and Water Audit Unit went deep into the fourteen village groups in Fanghenggou for audits of farmers’ burdens. Harsh winter, heavy snow, cold air hit people. But the audit time is tight. So five audits
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A large-scale publicity campaign,to raise attention about child trafficking and to expand the implementation of China’s National Plan of Action on Combating Tr
<正> 本文拟就现代企业经济分析的性质、对象和概念作一粗浅的探讨。一、问题的提出目前学术界对企业经济分析是否有存在的必要持各种不同意见。有的提出应改革传统的企业经
在前面的三期,我们学习了美语发音的三大特征,以及美音中两对极易混淆的前元音:[i]/[I]和[e]/[A]。本期,我们一起来学习美音中的两个中元音(Central Vowel)。 In the previo