Unusual Patterns of Neural Tube Defects in a High Risk Region of Northern China

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanzhenwei2
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Objective To study the prevalence of different types of neural tube defects (NTDs) in Luliang Prefecture, Shanxi province, where the prevalence of NTDs is unusually high and the correlation between NTDs prevalence and patterns. Methods A surveillance population-based birth defects was performed in Luliang Prefecture, Shanxi province. Results The results of our study showed that the prevalence of NTDs was 2-fold higher in Luliang Prefecture than in other areas of Shanxi province. Unusual patterns of NTDs were found, however, multiple NTDs were relatively common in Luliang Prefecture, accounting for over 13% of all NTDs cases in China. Conclusion The prevalence of NTDs is associated with its patterns. Objective To study the prevalence of different types of neural tube defects (NTDs) in Luliang Prefecture, Shanxi province, where the prevalence of NTDs is unusually high and the correlation between NTDs prevalence and patterns. Methods A surveillance population-based birth defects was performed in Luliang Prefecture, Shanxi province. Results The results of our study showed that the prevalence of NTDs was 2-fold higher in Luliang Prefecture than in other areas of Shanxi province. Unusual patterns of NTDs were found, however, multiple NTDs were relatively common in Luliang Prefecture, accounting for over 13% of all NTDs cases in China. Conclusion The prevalence of NTDs is associated with its patterns.
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