Subjective annoyance caused by indoor low-level and low frequency noise and control method

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ee320
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The influence of low_level noise has not been widely noticed. This paper discovered that low_level and low frequency noise(A_weighted equivalent level L eq <45 dB) causes higher probability of subjective annoyance. The fuzzy mathematic principle was applied to deal with the threshold level of subjective annoyance from noise in this study; there is preferable relationship between the indoor noise and noise annoyance at low frequency noise level. Study indicated at the same centered noise level, the change of annoyance probability is mainly caused by the change of the frequency spectrum characteristic of the indoor noise. Under low noise level environment, without change of the medium_low frequency noise, the slight increase of medium_high frequency noise level with the help of noise sheltering effect can significantly reduce the noise annoyance. This discovery brings a new resolution on how to improve the environmental quality of working or living places. A noise control model is given in this study according to the acoustic analysis. The influence of low_level noise has not been widely noticed. This paper discovered that low_level and low frequency noise (A_weighted equivalent level L eq <45 dB) causes higher probability of subjective annoyance. The fuzzy mathematic principle was applied to deal with the threshold level of subjective annoyance from noise in this study; there is preferable relationship between the indoor noise and noise annoyance at low frequency noise level. of the indoor noise. Under low noise level environment, without change of the medium_low frequency noise, the slight increase of medium_high frequency noise level with the help of noise sheltering effect can significantly reduce the noise annoyance. This discovery brings a new resolution on how to improve the environmental quality of working or living places. A noise control model is given in this study according to the acoustic analysis
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根据财政部1989年12月23日(89)财预字第93号文发出的1990年国家预算收支科目,现对1990年国家预算收入科目的预算级次划分情况,用列表的方式作一简要介绍。 According to th