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由中国设备管理协会 看到你们。”设备诊断工程委员会主任 二、会议的特点委员高金吉博士为团长的1.从战略的高度,十中国设协代表团一行八 分强调维修的重要性人,于1998年10月5~7 欧联总裁在会议开幕日参加了在克罗地亚杜布 时列举了如下数字强调维罗夫尼克举行的第十四次 修的重要性:与维修相关欧洲维修会议。会议期间 的产品占欧盟成员国全部听取了大会专题报告,小,民用产品的10%以上;会技术交流。,参观了展览,50%的维修活动与工业和并与美、法、德、挪威等国 服务部门有关;特别应强的专家、学者进行了学术交流。调的是在石油和石化工业,维修占总运行费用的 一、会议善本惰况25%以上。因此,维修越来越受到各国政府、企业 本次欧洲维修会议是由欧洲国家维修团体 的重视,欧洲各国对维修管理、信息和技术的开联盟(EFNMS—European Federation of National 发投入了大量的人力。物力,并取得显著成效。Maintenance Societies)和克罗地亚维修协会 2.会议交流内容突出管理(HDO一 Croatian Maintenance Society)联合举 三个专题交流组均有管理的内容,维修战略办。有24个国家近200人参加,除欧联的16个 与管理组倍受重视,参加的人最多,讨论的最热国家外,还有美国、中国、波兰、土耳其、俄罗斯、:烈? See you by the China Equipment Management Association. ” Director of Equipment Diagnostic Engineering Committee II. Characteristics of the meeting Dr. Gao Jinji, Chairman of the Board of Directors 1. From the height of the strategy, the tenth delegation of the Chinese Association set up an eight-point emphasis on the importance of maintenance, from 5 to 7 October 1998. On the opening day of the conference, the President of the European Union participated in the presentation in Durbuy, Croatia, emphasizing the importance of the fourteenth revision held by Verovnik: Maintenance-related European maintenance conferences. After listening to a special report of the conference, more than 10% of small and civilian products, technical exchanges, and visits to exhibitions, 50% of maintenance activities are related to industry and related services in the United States, France, Germany, Norway, etc.; Experts and scholars conducted academic exchanges in the oil and petrochemical industries, and maintenance accounted for 15% of the total operating costs of the conference. It is the emphasis of the maintenance groups in European countries, and the European countries open alliances on maintenance management, information and technology (the EFNMS-European Federation of National has invested a lot of people Material resources, and achieved remarkable results. Maintenance Association and the Croatian Maintenance Association 2. The conference’s content management (HDO-Croatian Maintenance Society) joint presentation of three thematic exchange groups have management content, maintenance strategy office. There are 24 countries. Nearly 200 people participated. In addition to the European Union’s 16 and management teams, they took the most attention and participated the most. The hottest countries discussed were the United States, China, Poland, Turkey, and Russia.
十三行是清政府在广州设立的负责对外贸易的商行,代表官方管理对外贸易。其间,在“天朝上国”的传统国家观念和重农抑商思想的影响下,清政府制定了一些限制通商的法令,再加上中西法律文化的不同,因而出现了中西法律文化上的冲突,这种冲突对中国近代的历史产生了深远的影响。  中国长期以来形成的传统国家观念认为,中国即是天下的中心,是“天朝上国”,别的国家是“蛮夷”、“附庸国”,不给予他们国家之间的平等地位。这些
培训机会与工作机会同等重要。培训已成为一种福利,是企业留住人才的“新武器”。 Training opportunities are just as important as job opportunities. Training has bec