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本来不会喝酒的,但有几次不得不端起酒杯,把酒言欢。还记得第一次喝酒的情景,那是在毕业前夕,几个好姐妹在学校附近的小饭馆,喝酒哭笑,互道珍重,依依惜别!那是我第一次用心去喝酒并感受酒醉的滋味。毕业后不久,一朋友招呼我来吃饭,酒席上他的那些我不认识的朋友们都可谓酒中豪杰。在北方,酒桌上的规矩很多,但对于我一个黄毛丫头来说,这一切都很陌生,自然也不懂那么多规矩。记得有人端酒来敬我时,我说我不会喝酒,我就随意吧。那人马上说酒哪里有会不会之说,只要像喝白开水一样 Had not drink, but several times had to put on the glass, the wine Huanhuan. Remember the scene of the first drink, it was on the eve of graduation, a few good sisters in the small restaurant near the school, drinking dumbfounding, mutual respect, do not hesitate! That is my first time to drink alcohol and feel drunk The taste. Not long after graduation, a friend greeted me for dinner, and his friends on the banquet, whom I did not know, were regarded as heroic. In the north, there are a lot of rules on the wine table, but for me a yellow-haired girl, all this is strange and naturally I do not understand that many rules. I remember someone drinking wine to respect me, I said I would not drink, I feel free to bar. The man immediately said where the wine would not say, just like drinking boiled water
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1999年12月19日上午九时,辽宁省普兰店市电视台新闻直播大厅。 普兰店市公安局宁民局长郑重宣布:经刑警历时30余天的艰苦奋战,普兰店市“99.8.20”特大珠宝盗窃案告破。接警
一、课题的确立众所周知 ,中学语文课本中的文言文篇目是大浪淘沙 ,是中华文化的瑰宝。然而 ,“灌输 +训练”的教学模式 ,使得文言文教学总让人提不起精神。仅仅作为语言训练
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1999年12月23日 ,安阳市郊区人民法院刑事审判庭里 ,安阳市小商品批发城承建商———吴军正在接受法律的裁决。“被告人吴军犯非法拘禁罪 ,根据《中华人民共和国刑法》第238条之规定 ,依
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