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翻阅我国70余家图书馆学情报学专业期刊,对《图书情报工作》的高度评价有口皆碑,业内人士赞不绝口。如今它己走过45年的风雨历程,从2000年开始率先改版,将原16开改为大16开本的国际标准开本,从原64页增至96页,目的是为了提高其信息容量,反映了新世纪图情专业核心期刊的绚丽风姿,堪称我国图书馆学情报学核心期刊之典范。在它的带动下,不少刊物也相继改版扩容,由此看出《图书情报工作》已成为国内图情刊物之领军者之一了。该刊的主要特色体现在: Read more than 70 library and information science professional journals in China, the “Library and Information Service” spoke highly of the high reputation, the industry full of praise. Now that it has gone through 45 years of stormy history, starting from 2000, it has taken the lead in revising the version of the international standard that changed the original version to the 16th edition from the original 64 pages to 96 pages in order to increase its information capacity and reflect The gorgeous posture of the professional core journals in the new century can be regarded as a model of the core journals of library science and information science in our country. Driven by it, many publications have also been revised and expanded in succession. This shows that “library and information work” has become one of the leaders of domestic publications. The main features of the magazine are as follows:
本文讨论和分析了四种情况下灌装机灌液时间的计算方法,给出了程序框图,编制了简结实用的设计计算程序. This article discusses and analyzes the calculation method of fill
引言 在喷射状态下的筛板上,存在着大量的以“抛射”方式运动中的液滴,其初始抛射速度v_0是影响该种操作状态下筛板流体力学和传质性能的重要因素.液滴初始抛射速度的研究是
AdenovirallikegeneticelementsinHebelomacircinansanditsrelationshiptootherproteinprimedreplicatinggenomesXiyuanBai,JürgenSchr... Adenoviral -like geneticelementsinHebelomacircinansanditsrelationshiptootherproteinprimedreplicatinggenomesXiyuanBai, JürgenS
本刊讯 记者从5月11日举行的新闻发布会上获悉,′2004中国苏州电子信息博览会将于10月20日至23日在苏州工业园区金鸡湖畔的全新展馆——苏州国际博览中心举行。该博览会由商
本研究旨在评估正常印度男性直肠乙结肠交界处的压力范围。 方法:15名无胃肠道症状的男性,年龄22~66岁,受试前不服用影响胃肠动力的药物。测身高,并记录每日平均便次。受试前