目的 :探讨推注式佳能STAAR硅凝胶折叠人工晶状体在临床上的应用效果.方法 :对 10 6例白内障超声乳化吸除术联合佳能STAAR硅凝胶人工晶状体植入术的病例 (SS IOL组 )进行了追踪观察 ,记录其术后散光情况、术后视力、术中术后并发症 ,并与另外两种折叠IOL进行了比较 :ACRYSOFIOL组 (A IOL组 ) 196例 ,硅凝胶IOL组 (法玛西亚PS IOL组 ) 2 2 6例.结果 :植入IOL前 ,A IOL组及PS IOL组将手术切口扩大至 3 5~ 4MM ,SS IOL组未扩大手术切口.SS IOL组在将IOL植入推注器时发生 1例IOL袢折断外 ,其余各组均未发生此情况.SS IOL组术后 3个月显然验光 ,其散光度数较A IOL组及PS IOL组低 ,与后两组有显著性差异.术后 6个月裂隙灯下各组IOL位置稳定 ,未见明显的IOL偏位或倾斜.结论 :佳能STAAR硅凝胶人工晶状体植入术的操作易学习掌握 ,术后位置稳定 ,手术引起的散光度数小.“,”Objective:To discuss the using of Canon Staar silicon IOL in clinical.Method:We follow up 78 cases implanted with Canon Staar silicon IOL in the surgery (SS-IOL),and we record their vision,refraction,and complications after surgery.And we compare them with 196 cases using Acrysof IOL (A-IOL),and 226 cases using Pharmacia IOL(PS-IOL).Result:The astigmatism is lower in SS-IOL group than in A-IOL group and PS-IOL group three months after surgery.The position of IOL in three groups is stable in the centric area six months after surgery.Conclusion:Implantation of Canon Staar silicon IOL is easy to master,and the astigmatism incurred by surgery is lower than the other two kinds of IOL.