时间:1976年11月30日10点41分地点:拍摄于有500年历史的巴黎近郊的雄堤邑城堡(Chateau de Chantilly),是列管在法兰西研究院名下的国家级文化古迹。城堡建筑雄伟壮丽,花园造景以几何对称及雕像为主。冬季枯树枝、落叶和灰白的天空烘托出古城堡寂静的气氛。器材:TOYO8×10相机富士250毫米镜头光圈:F32快门:1/2秒
Time: November 30, 1976 10:41 Location: A 500-year-old Chateau de Chantilly in the outskirts of Paris is a national monument under the supervision of the Institut de France. Castle building majestic, garden landscape with geometric symmetry and statue based. Winter withered branches, leaves and gray sky to express the silence of the ancient castle atmosphere. Equipment: TOYO8 × 10 camera Fuji 250 mm lens aperture: F32 shutter: 1/2 second