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编者按政府职能转变,是指国家行政机关在一定时期内,根据国家和社会发展的需要,对其应担负的职责和所发挥的功能、作用的范围、内容、方式的转移与变化。我国曾长期实行的计划经济体制衍生了全能型政府职能模式,政府在市场经济运行过程中扮演了生产者、监督者、控制者的角色,为社会和民众提供公共服务的职能和角色则被淡化。此次国务院机构改革首先从转变政府职能入手,亦旨在重新界定政府角色和定位,解决行政管理体制改革的关键问题。本期,我们特别组织了这组聚焦文章,对我国政府职能转变的任务、瓶颈和途径等问题进行梳理,以期进一步推动我国行政体制改革进程。 The transformation of the editor according to the government’s functions means the transfer and change of the scope, content and mode of functions, functions and functions that the state administrative organs should shoulder in accordance with the needs of national and social development for a certain period of time. The long-established planned economy system in our country has derived the functional model of an all-round government. The government plays the role of producer, supervisor and controller in the operation of the market economy. The functions and roles of providing public services to the public and the general public are weakened . The institutional reform of the State Council first started with changing the functions of the government and also aimed at redefining the role and orientation of the government and solving the key problems in the reform of the administrative management system. In this issue, we specially organized this group of focused articles to sort out the tasks, bottlenecks and channels of the transformation of government functions in our country so as to further promote the process of the reform of our administrative system.
入选理由:泉州沉淀太多层岁月,而且它们都还活着,这座城市,因而就像个藏宝之城。你永远不知道,在泉州,下一刻,你将邂逅到的,是哪一个朝代,甚至哪一个国家的哪一块碎片    小时候生病了,外婆会在家里点上沉香,拿着家家户户都有的“圣杯”(占卜的工具),向八仙桌上的神灵问一通,蘸点香灰冲水喝。如果没能好,第二天,母亲会带着我,顺着那石头铺就的小巷一路走一路买贡品,走到巷尾这一片区的镇境神(主管这一片区的
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A special meeting was called for the purpose to welcome Prof. G. Elliot Smith on Wednesday afternoon at 4 P. M. in the Library of Geological Survey by the Vice