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There is a river called the Tunguskariver,which runs through forest.Thisforest is in Siberia,in the middle ofRussia.At seven o’clock in the morningof 30 June 1908,there was an enormousexplosion in this forest.However,because Tunguska is so far away,andbecause of the revolution in Russia,therewas no search of the area for nearlytwenty years.On that morning people saw anobject,brighter than the sun and with along tail of smoke,move quickly across There is a river called the Tunguskariver, which runs through the forest.Thisforest is in Siberia, in the middle ofRussia.At seven o’clock in the morningof 30 June 1908, there was an enormousexplosion in this forest.However, because Tunguska is so far away, andbecause of the revolution in Russia, therewas no search of the area for nearlytwenty years.On that morning people saw anobject, brighter than the sun and with along of of of smoke, move quickly across
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