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时下,学生肩上的那个书包越来越重,教育行政部门不得不为学生大呼“减负——!”其实,又有多少学生的书包真正瘦下来了呢? 我也是一个学生,是一个天天离不开书包的群体之中的一员。真的觉得书包好重!但有趣的是父母提着都觉得累的书包背到我们身上,我们却能满世界跑,在上下的跳跃间,里面的课本、家长的期望、老师的叮嘱、环境的压力像一把巨大的锤子,一下下敲打着我们稚嫩的双肩。算了吧,停下步子,回家去吧,还有一堆功课要做呢!不!偏不!肩上的份量越重越是要跑,像是巨负下的一种逃避,又像是不堪重负的发泄。跑啊跑啊,跑到天涯,锤子还是在肩上不停敲:咚!咚!咚!就像孙悟空永远逃不出如来佛的手掌心。 Nowadays, the schoolbag on the shoulders of the students is getting heavier and heavier. The education administration department has to shout for the students to “reduce the burden!” In fact, how many students’ schoolbags really slim down? I’m also a student and it’s a daily One of the groups that cannot be separated from the schoolbag. I really think the schoolbags are heavy! But what is interesting is that the parents carry the tired schoolbags back to us, but we can run around the world, jumping up and down, inside the textbooks, the parents’ expectations, the teachers’ embarrassment, and the environment. The pressure was like a huge hammer, knocking down our young shoulders. Forget it, stop the steps, go home, there are a bunch of homework to do it! No! Partially! The heavier the weight of the shoulders is to run, like a large negative under the escape, but also like Overwhelmed vent. Run and run, run to the end of the world, the hammer is still on the shoulder and knock: oh, oh, oh! Just like the Monkey King never escapes the palm of the Buddha.
The year 2013 witnessed a fragile recovery in the world economy as well as profound geopolitical adjustments.In general,the global oil and gas industry maintain
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一个点,一条线,点作圆心,线作半径,用圆规轻轻一划,于是,一个完整的、美丽的圆便展现在眼前了。——题记 One point, one line, point as a center, the line as a radius,
今年是大学生就业最难的一年,大学生的价值有多大?贵溪村官桂千金给出了自己的答案:她为山村引进了一个小企业,吸收了村内60余名村民就业,人均月工资1 500元,仅此一项为村民
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吴雯婷是位全面发展的好学生。她被团中央和全国少工委授予首届中国少年科学院院士。她的成功说明了一个很简单的道理——学习的关键是要有兴趣和动力。 然而,小时候的雯婷
学习成绩容易赶上,创新意识不易培养。航空航天大学看中的就是他的想象力、创造力和较强的动手能力。 It is easy to catch up with academic results and innovation is no