
来源 :家庭医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hedanjiaotong
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随着我国航空事业的迅速发展,乘飞机的人越来越多。然而,有的人在乘飞机时,身体会出现一些不适之感,患某些疾病的人还会使病情加重。因此,了解空中旅行引起的不适和防范对策很有必要。 气压降低所引起的不适及防范 飞机飞入高空后,随着外界空气压力的降低,胃肠道的气体会迅速膨胀,引起腹胀、腹痛。耳朵鼓室内的压力高于周围气压,外耳道与鼓室之间有鼓膜相隔,此时,鼓膜就向外凸出;反之,飞机降低高度时,外界气压逐渐增加,鼓室内的压力低于周围气压,鼓膜就会向里凹陷。气压降低或增加,都会引起耳鸣、耳朵胀痛、鼓膜充血或破裂,甚至听力减退。为解决这种不适现象,空中小姐会给你送来口香糖。吃糖时须不停地咀嚼、吞咽,就会在不知 With the rapid development of China’s aviation industry, more and more people fly. However, some people experience some discomfort when they fly, and people with certain diseases can make their condition worse. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the discomfort caused by air travel and countermeasures. Gas pressure caused by the discomfort and prevention of aircraft into high altitude, with the outside air pressure decreases, the gastrointestinal gas will rapidly expand, causing bloating, abdominal pain. The pressure inside the tympanic cavity is higher than the surrounding air pressure and the tympanic membrane is separated between the external auditory meatus and tympanum. At this moment, the tympanic membrane bulges outwards; on the contrary, when the aircraft lowers the altitude, the external air pressure gradually increases and the pressure inside the tympanic cavity is lower than the surrounding air pressure, The tympanic membrane will be indented. Lower or higher barometric pressure will cause tinnitus, ear pain, congestion or rupture of the tympanic membrane, and even hearing loss. To solve this malaise, the flight attendant will send you chewing gum. Do not stop to chew when eating sugar, swallowing, I do not know
在展望下一代寻呼能给我们带来什么好处之前,我们有必要回顾一下促使寻呼业迅速普及的几件大事。在世界范围内,寻呼业一直在以年平均20%的速度增长着。 许多人还记得那个时候
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