Applying flexible molecular docking to simulate protein retention behavior in hydrophobic interactio

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wlszzj
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Interaction between proteins and stationary phase in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is differentiated into two thermodynamic processes involving direct nonbonding/conformation interac- tion and surface hydrophobic effect of proteins, hence quantitatively giving rise to a binary linear rela- tion between HIC retention time (RT) at concentrated salting liquid and ligand-protein binding free en- ergy. Then, possible binding manners for 27 proteins of known crystal structures with hydrophobic ligands are simulated and analyzed via ICM flexible molecular docking and genetic algorithm, with re- sults greatly consistent with experimental values. By investigation, it is confirmed local hydrophobic effects of proteins and nonbinding/conformation interaction between ligand and protein both notably influence HIC chromatogram retention behaviors, mainly focusing on exposed portions on the protein surface. Interaction between proteins and stationary phase in hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) is differentiated into two thermodynamic processes involving direct nonbonding / conformation interac- tion and surface hydrophobic effect of proteins, hence quantitatively giving rise to a binary linear rela- tion between HIC retention time ( RT) at concentrated salting liquid and ligand-protein binding free en- ergy. Then, possible binding manners for 27 proteins of known crystal structures with hydrophobic ligands are simulated and analyzed via ICM flexible molecular docking and genetic algorithm, with re- sults strongly consistent with experimental values. By investigation, it is confirmed local hydrophobic effects of proteins and nonbinding / conformation interaction between ligand and protein both notably influence HIC chromatogram retention behaviors, mainly focusing on exposed portions on the protein surface.
摘 要:配位化学是在无机化学基础上发展起来的一门边沿学科,主要研究对象为配位化合物(CoordinationCompounds,简称配合物)。本文介绍了配位化学的起源、研究范围,我国配位化学的研究现状,配位化学的研究方向。  关键词:配位化学;无机化学;配位化合物;研究方向    一、配位化学的起源与研究范围    配位化学是在无机化学基础上发展起来的一门边沿学科。它所研究的主要对象为配位化合物(