
来源 :山西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:darkcome
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(一) 1961—1963年连续三年以牛腿捧这一品种为试验材料,在太原地区进行了不同采种方法及对后代大白菜性状影响的试验,结果以大株采种的种子成熟期最早,其次为育苗,春季直播的最晚,种子播前经春化处理,较未处理的成熟期可提早5—8天。 (二) 种子产量以育苗采种的最高,其次是春化处理和春季直播,大株采种的产量最低,其他采种法的种子千粒重也均不低于大株采种的。 (三) 育苗和春季直播的,种子产量的高低,关键在于播种期的迟早。在太原地区直播的最好在土壤刚一解冻时抢早播种,如果在3月中旬以后播种,则结荚不良,产量显著降低,再晚甚至收获不到种子。 (四) 就牛腿捧这一品种来说,不同采种法不影响后代大白菜的产量,虽然连续三代用直播法采种对产量也无影响。 (五) 从保持品种的种性来看,大株采种的最好,退化率仅5.2%,连续三代直播的为14.3%,说明连续用直播法采种,后代大白菜的退化率增加。 (六) 育苗、春季直播、春化处理这三种方法在生产上均可提倡应用,但上述采种法每年须使用来自大株采种所得到的种子,以便有严格的选种机会。 (A) for three consecutive years 1961-1963 years bull holding this variety as a test material, conducted in Taiyuan different methods of harvesting and the impact on future generations of Chinese cabbage traits test, the results of the seedlings of the earliest mature plant, Followed by nursery, the latest live broadcast in spring, the seed before sowing by vernalization, compared with untreated maturity can be 5-8 days earlier. (B) seed production to nursery seed cultivation highest, followed by vernalization and direct seeding in spring, the largest plant seed production is the lowest, other seed mining methods of seed weight is not less than 1000 seed selection. (C) nursery and spring live broadcast, the level of seed yield, the key lies in the sowing period sooner or later. In Taiyuan, it is best to broadcast the seeds as soon as the soil is thawed. If the seeds are planted after mid-March, they will have poor pod yield, significantly reduce the yield, and will not even harvest the seeds. (D) bull leg holding this species, different methods of seed collection does not affect the yield of Chinese cabbage, although the three generations of direct seeding method for seed production has no effect on the yield. (E) From the species to maintain the species point of view, the best planted strains of large plants, the rate of degradation was only 5.2% for three consecutive generations of direct broadcast was 14.3%, indicating continuous planting with direct seeding, the progeny of cabbage increased the rate of degradation. (VI) Nursery, direct seeding in spring and vernalization These three methods can all be promoted in production. However, the above methods should be used annually to obtain the seeds from the large-scale seed collection in order to have strict seed selection opportunities.
  Previous studies showed that lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene was involved in metabolism and transport of lipids, suggesting that LPL gene is a potential candi
我的老家江苏如皋是全国著名的长寿之乡。  如皋之所以能成为长寿之乡,其理由可以说出很多很多。譬如那里人杰地灵呀,民风淳厚,社会和谐呀,子女孝敬老人,社会尊老敬老呀,等等。  俗话说:民以食为天。笔者以为如皋人之所以能够长寿,还和当地人的饮食习惯有关。如皋人在饮食习惯上一是讲究新鲜,二是喜欢杂食。如皋人在主食上喜欢粗细搭配,粗粮细做。除了大米外,如皋人还特别喜欢食用麦片、玉米粞、山芋干、赤豆、绿豆等
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城市配网规模日趋庞大,传统配网规划思路及方法亟需变革和突破,配网网格化规划成为研究热点. 本文提出了基于“链式”网格组网单元的城市配网规划方法.其中,采用定性且定
摘要:新课程要求树立新的教学理念,突破过时的传统教法,获得适应未来社会生活和进一步发展所必需的重要数学知识以及基本的数学思想方法和必要的应用技能。  关键词:小学数学;教师素养;培养提高  一、把握新课标的教学能力  新课标体系已革新了传统课程体系,由过去的以学科中心逐渐转向以学生为本的轨道上来。作为小学教师必须认真学习,深刻认识、整体把握新课标,以新课标为指导,着力构建以人为本的数学课程体系。数