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目的了解手足口病病人的流行病学特征,为制定预防措施提供依据。方法收集2010年中山大学附属第一医院黄埔院区报告的1 131例手足口病病人的流行病学资料进行统计分析。结果 1 131例病例中,男性多于女性,男女比例为1.61:1;以5岁及以下儿童为主,占所有病例的96.96%;散居儿童高于幼托儿童;以本行政区内的病人为主,占75.33%;发病高峰季节在春夏季。抽查23例5岁以下病例粪便标本做肠道病毒病原学检测,有12例(占52.17%)的病人粪检总肠道病毒阳性,其中9例肠道病毒71型阳性,3例肠道病毒CVA16型阳性。结论手足口病存在明显的年龄、季节、性别差异,应及时发现、诊治病人,管理好传染源;重点关注5岁及以下婴幼儿;应做好公共场所、交通工具等社会环境消毒工作;医院应做好诊室及候诊区的清洁消毒工作,医务人员做好手卫生工作,避免出现医院感染。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of patients with hand-foot-mouth disease and provide evidence for the development of preventive measures. Methods The epidemiological data of 1 131 cases of hand-foot-mouth disease reported by the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in 2010 were collected for statistical analysis. Results Among the 131 cases, more males than females, the ratio of male to female was 1.61: 1. The majority of children aged 5 years and younger accounted for 96.96% of all cases. The scattered children were higher than those of preschool children. Lord, accounting for 75.33%; incidence peak season in spring and summer. A total of 23 cases of stool samples under the age of 5 were tested for pathogenic etiology of enteroviruses. Twelve patients (52.17%) were positive for staphylococcal enterovirus, of which 9 were positive for enterovirus 71 and 3 were enterovirus CVA16 positive. Conclusion Hand, foot and mouth disease has obvious age, season and gender difference. It should be found in time, diagnosed and treated patients, and managed the source of infection. The focus should be on infants and children under 5 years of age. Public places, transport facilities and other social environment should be well disinfected. Should be done clinics and waiting area cleaning and disinfection work, medical staff to do hand hygiene, to avoid nosocomial infections.
Concentrations of nitrate and trace elements such as arsenic,cadmium,chromium,copper,manganese,nickel,lead,selenium,antimony and mercury in 18 different brands
目的 分析肇庆市麻风病基本消灭达标前后的流行情况,为制定麻风病防治策略提供科学依据.方法 收集整理1956~2010年期间肇庆市麻风病综合防治报表等资料,以麻风病发现率、发病
目的 通过收集分析宝安区美沙酮维持治疗门诊吸毒者的相关信息,为进一步开展针对吸毒人员的艾滋病防控工作提供依据.方法 以国家统一的《社区药物维持治疗评估基线调查表》
目的 了解海口市公共场所集中空调通风系统卫生状况,对存在的卫生问题提出相应对策.方法 随机抽取正常使用集中空调通风系统的公共场所16家,在每套集中空调通风系统的风管内
目的评价新疆维吾尔自治区结核病疫情发展趋势和防控措施效果。方法用描述性流行病学方法分析自治区人民医院2007~2010年结核病患者的资料,以Excel 2000建立数据库,采用SPSS1