目的通过对6例骨化纤维瘤患者的回顾性分析,为对该病的诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗提供一定的借鉴。方法根据本组病例的病史、症状、体征及辅助检查结果,进行综合分析。结果 6例患者骨化纤维瘤完全切除,随访3年未复发,但其面部因骨质移位而产生畸形,1例因眼球移位发生复视。结论局部进行性生长而无静止期为骨化纤维瘤的特点,广泛切除肿瘤是惟一有效的治疗方法。
Objective To retrospectively analyze 6 patients with ossifying fibroids to provide some reference for the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Methods According to the group of patients history, symptoms, signs and auxiliary examination results, a comprehensive analysis. Results Six patients had complete resection of osteofibroma and did not relapse after 3 years of follow-up. However, facial deformity was caused by bone displacement and diplopia occurred in 1 patient due to eyeball shift. Conclusion Localized growth without quiescent characteristics of ossified fibroids, extensive excision of the tumor is the only effective treatment.