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为了贯彻落实国务院领导同志的批示精神,认真做好制止低价倾销工作,现就有关事项通知如下:一、近年来,随着经济的发展,一些行业出现了产品供过于求、企业间降价竞争的现象.企业间的价格竞争有利于促进产品销售和市场供求总量的平衡,促使企业加强内部管理降低生产成本,推动企业的技术进步和新产品开发,促进经济结构调整和资源的合理配置.但有些企业以低于产品成本的价格销售,有的企业采取使用走私原材料.降低产品质量等非法手段降低成本降价倾销,扰乱了正常的价格秩序,损害了其他经营者和消费者的合法权益.因此,各级物价部门要充分认识制 In order to implement the directives of the leading comrades of the State Council and conscientiously do a good job in suppressing the dumping of low prices, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: 1. In recent years, along with the economic development, some industries have experienced the phenomenon of oversupply of products and price competition among enterprises The price competition among enterprises helps to promote the balance between product sales and the total supply and demand in the market, prompting enterprises to strengthen internal management to reduce production costs, promote technological progress and new product development of enterprises, and promote economic restructuring and rational allocation of resources. However, some Enterprises sell at a price lower than the cost of the product, and some enterprises use the smuggled raw materials to reduce the quality of products and other illegal means Reduce costs Dumping, disturbing the normal price order, undermines the legitimate rights and interests of other operators and consumers.Therefore, Price departments at all levels should fully understand the system