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对南京某小学31名单纯性肥胖儿童和327名正常体重儿童进行了营养调查。结果表明:肥胖儿每日食物摄入量比对照组多174.5克,各种营养素和热能摄入量也高于对照组,热能超标659千卡/(人·日),且晚餐热能比重过大。过多的营养素和热能显然促进了肥胖的发生和发展。建议肥胖儿调整膳食结构,减少膳食中动物性食物,特别是高热能食物的摄入,同时适当补充含钙食物。 Nutritional surveys were conducted on 31 simple obese children and 327 normal-weight children in a primary school in Nanjing. The results showed that the daily food intake of obese children was 174.5 grams more than that of the control group, and the intake of various nutrients and calories was also higher than that of the control group. The heat energy exceeded 659 kcal / (person · day) is too big. Excessive nutrients and heat obviously contribute to the occurrence and development of obesity. It is recommended that obese children adjust their diet to reduce the intake of animal foods, especially high-calorie foods, while properly supplementing calcium-containing foods.
Magneto-plasma loops,which trace closed solar magnetic field lines,are the primarystructural elements of the solar corona.Kinetic Alfvén wave (KAW) can play an
Both hybrid/full particle simulations and recent experimental results have clearlyevidenced that the front of a supercritical quasi-perpendicular shock can be n
Strong lunar crustal magnetic anomaly interacts with upstream solar wind and amini-magnetosphere is formed above the dayside magnetic anomaly[Halekas,et al.,200
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Special feature of last decade is active implementation of computer technologies in geologic branch of Uzbekistan.Efficiency of geologic researches in many resp
【正】 近年来,无锡市南长区围绕建设无锡特大型城市,确立了南长区"圈、线、面"的大开发发展战略;围绕开发建设新南长,初步形成了地产开发招商工作的运行机制;围绕"大开发"中