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Dinarides南部是世界上岩溶发育最强烈的地区之一,同时也是欧洲降水量最大的地区。区内碳酸盐岩沉积厚度大于300m,平均岩溶发育深度从250m至350m,沿断裂发育的岩溶,甚至更深。平均地下水流速变化较大,从0.002cm/s至55.2cm/s。地下水滞留时间很短,水位变化非常迅速,变幅高达312m。地下水位对强降雨响应小于4小时。岩溶大泉的主要特征是管道出口深,最大最小流量变化大。区内发育有成千上百个落水洞,其中一些落水洞排水能力超过100m3/s;规模大并被洪水暂时淹没的岩溶坡立谷闻名于世。由于该区极其复杂的水文地理和政治环境,跨界含水层似乎是一个非常敏感的问题。区内与水能利用、供水和环境相关的问题非常严重要,需要很好的研究解决。泉水天然流量和野生动物生存环境的改变,特别是当地特有物种的破坏,已经成为新近许多岩溶工程项目的焦点议题。总的来说,该区所有的问题都与水量和水质有关。在毗邻Dinaric南部地区新成立的国家边界出现了许多与新建立的跨界含水层有关的问题。 The southern part of Dinarides is one of the most developed karst regions in the world and is also the region with the highest precipitation in Europe. The thickness of carbonate deposits in the area is more than 300m, the average depth of karst development is from 250m to 350m, and the karst developed along the faults is even deeper. Average groundwater flow rate varied greatly from 0.002 cm / s to 55.2 cm / s. Groundwater retention time is very short, the water level changes very rapidly, up to 312m. Groundwater level response to heavy rainfall is less than 4 hours. Karst springs is the main feature of the deep pipe exports, the maximum and minimum flow changes. Thousands of sinkholes are developed in the area, some of which have a drainage capacity of more than 100 m3 / s; the karst slopes, large in size and temporarily inundated by the flood, are world renowned. Due to the extremely complex hydro-geography and political environment of the area, transboundary aquifers seem to be a very sensitive issue. The issues related to water energy use, water supply and environment in the region are very serious and need to be well studied and solved. Changes in natural spring flow and wildlife habitats, especially the destruction of endemic species, have become the focus of many recent karst projects. In general, all the problems in the area are related to water quality and water quality. There have been many problems associated with the newly established transboundary aquifers at the newly formed national borders adjacent to the southern area of ​​Dinaric.
在西部大开发中 ,从西部自身来讲 ,观念转变比资金投入更重要 ;产业结构调整与升级比基础设施建设更重要 ;制度创新比政策优惠更重要 ;发展小城镇比壮大中心城市更重要 ;人力
在纯铁和铬钼钢上同时喷镀铬与铝的工艺 韩国蔚山大学冶金工程系进行了用纯铁和铬钼合金钢作为基材,同时喷镀铬与铝的试验。为了能同时喷镀铬与铝,采用了调整铬—铝中间合金的
2006年夏,本刊记者从最东端大兴安岭山麓的额尔古纳草原启程,沿着中俄、中蒙边境线穿越整个内蒙古自治区边境地区 In the summer of 2006, our correspondent started from