A brief introduction to State Key Laboratory of Fire Science

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1 Survey State Key Laboratory of Fire Science is a national laboratory constructed in the University of Science and Technology of China during 1990—1995 using the loan from the World Bank and the accessory funds attributed by the Chinese government. The main goals of the Laboratory are to study the applied fundamentals of unwanted fires; to train technical personnel for fire research, fire prevention and protection; to coordinate with various institutes and departments of fire prevention and to promote international academic exchange and cooperation. 1 Survey State Key Laboratory of Fire Science is a national laboratory constructed in the University of Science and Technology of China during 1990-1995 using the loan from the World Bank and the accessory funds attributed by the Chinese government. The main goals of the Laboratory are to study the applied fundamentals of unwanted fires; to train technical personnel for fire research, fire prevention and protection; to coordinate with various institutes and departments of fire prevention and to promote international academic exchange and cooperation.
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