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近日,我先后多次来到广州海印电器城,这个一直被作为中国影音行业旗帜和风向标的地方,无疑每一次新的变化都会牵动行业的关注以及大众的眼球。我从四楼的盛丰音响“极致影院”开始,逐一走访了君庭智能影音室、惠威、大昌、佰影、力高、诺昌、名器影音、兴永电器、琳琅电器等十多家新投入的听音空间,总的印象而言,南中国影音行业正以新的思路和面貌再度发力,这是近年不多见的。这使我想起清代思想家龚自珍说得十分应景的一句话:“欲知大道,必先为史。”反之,“灭人之国,必先去其史”。今天,我们影音行业已经步入一个多元的领域,许多概念得到革命性、颠覆性的更新,在发布会、演示会上,感受到未来潮流及顶尖数码产品、音响技术的新走向。如果我们20年不变的影 Recently, I have repeatedly came to Guangzhou Haiyin Electric City, this has been the banner of China’s audio-visual industry and the vane of the place, no doubt every new change will affect the industry’s attention and the public eye. From the fourth floor Shengfeng audio “Extreme Cinema ” began, one by one visited the Jun Ting intelligent video studio, Swans, Dachang, Bai Ying, Li Gao, Nobuo, name video, Xingyong electrical, electrical appliances such as ten A lot of new input listening space, the overall impression, the South China audio-visual industry is re-force with new ideas and appearance, which is rare in recent years. This reminds me of the Qing Dynasty thinker Gong Zizhen put it very Yingjing a sentence: “To know the avenue, we must first for the history. ” On the contrary, “destroy the country, we must go to their history.” Today, our audio-video industry has entered a diverse field. Many of the concepts have been revolutionary and disruptively updated. During the conference and presentation, we have noticed the trend of the future and the new trend of top digital products and audio technologies. If we do not change the shadow of 20 years
本文针对目前中等职业学校学生生源的基本情况,提出要想提高中职学生的基本素质,必须从最基本的抓起,既扎实语言文字基础,提高语言表达能力。 This article aims at the bas
1941年11月,在江苏省盐东县,一个北风呼啸的夜晚,一群日伪军荷枪实弹,押着一个遍体鳞伤、双脚拖着铮铮作响铁镣的人走向伍佑镇东荒郊金家坝,一直走到一个事先挖好的深坑边。这个被押的人,40岁左右,神色镇定,毫无惧色。站在坑前,他先正了正脸上的眼镜,理了理自己的头发,然后,怒视着敌人,放声高喊:“打倒日本帝国主义!”  口号声划破了夜空,传得很远,很远……  敌人惊恐万分,连忙将他推下坑,埋上土……
China has nearly a hundred mining cities derived from mining development. While mining development has brought about immense achievements in a city’s economic
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