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任何语言都有大大小小的语言单位,例如语素、词、短语、句子等等。拿一个一个语言单位来看,它们大都有多种作用,这就是所谓功能。然而综合起来考察,功能之间有同有异,常常是同中有异。从大处着眼,可以把功能归纳为三大类: 1.交际功能指把语言单位作为信息传达的载体。 2.句法功能指把语言单位作为构成更大单位的结构成分。 3.认知功能指把语言单位作为推理的依据。 Any language has large and small language units, such as morphemes, words, phrases, sentences and so on. Take a language unit of view, most of them have a variety of roles, this is the so-called function. However, when combined, the functions are different and often different from one another. Focusing from the big picture, the functions can be summarized into three categories: 1. Communicative function refers to the language unit as a carrier of information. 2. Syntactic function refers to the linguistic unit as a structural element that constitutes a larger unit. 3. Cognitive function refers to the language unit as the basis for reasoning.
The first measure Langfang took was to build a platform for the establishment of high-tech in- dustries. Taken the geography advantage of nearby Beijing and Tia
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作者援引JuanJ.P’errez -Santonja医师在欧洲白内障屈光手术医生学会的冬季会议上的资料 ,指出LASIK手术后有 4 0 %微生物角膜炎由革兰阳性球菌引起 ,30 %病例是由分枝杆菌引起 ,霉菌感染占 15 %,而
1.我的电脑原来用的是NEC的光驱,后来由于光驱出了故障,更换为SONY的光驱。换过之后我本想Win95会对它进行 1. My computer was originally used NEC CD-ROM, then because
Perforation of the colon is an uncommon complication of colonoscopy in children. In the past, such injuries were treated by laparotomy with primary repair or co
曾经有这么一款小车,两个汽车公司因为它而闹得沸沸扬扬,由于不可开交,最终只好对簿公堂。究其原因,无外乎这款小车具有很高的性价比,是微型车市场的“宠儿”。 There used