Primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia in a large four-generation family confirming autosomai dominant ge

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tchrt
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AIM: To describe the pattern of inheritance and confirm the diagnostic criteria of primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia (PSH). METHODS: Forty members of a family pedigree across four generations were included in this study. All family members were interviewed and investigated by physical examination, hematology and liver function test and the pattern of inheritance was analyzed. RESULTS: Nine of the forty family members suffered primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia. The mature erythro-cytes of the propositus were irregular in shape and size. The pedigree showed transmission of the trait through four generations with equal distribution in male and female. No individual with a primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia was born to unaffected parents. The penetrance was complete in adult. CONCLUSION: The pattern of inheritance is autosomal dominant. The abnormality of erythrocytes and decrease in white blood cell could be supplemented in the diagnosis of PSH. The PSH is a genetic disorder and could by renamed as hereditary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia. AIM: To describe the pattern of inheritance and confirm the diagnostic criteria of primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia (PSH). METHODS: Forty members of a family pedigree across four generations were included in this study. All family members were interviewed and investigated by physical examination, hematology and liver function test and the pattern of inheritance was analyzed. RESULTS: Nine of the forty family members suffered primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia. The mature erythro-cytes of the propositus were irregular in shape and size. The pedigree showed transmission of the trait through four generations with equal distribution in male and female. No individual with a primary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia was born to unaffected parents. The penetrance was complete in adult. CONCLUSION: The pattern of inheritance is autosomal dominant. The abnormality of erythrocytes and decrease in white blood cell could be supplemented in the diagnosis of PSH. The PSH is a genetic disorder and could by r enamed as hereditary shunt hyperbilirubinaemia
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“中国历史上最具影响力的人物”系列之十三  韩愈(768—824),字退之,河阳(今河南孟州)人。自称“郡望昌黎”,故世称“韩昌黎”“昌黎先生”;又去世后追赠礼部尚书,谥号“文”,故称“韩文公”。唐代杰出的思想家、文学家,有《昌黎先生集》传世。其主要事迹记载于《旧唐书·韩愈传》和《新唐书·韩愈传》中。作为思想家,韩愈的“道统”学说成为“道学”或“理学”的前奏;作为官员,他强调“大一统”思想,用实践