
来源 :牙体牙髓牙周病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xgf217
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1991年开始应用光敏后牙复合树脂材料共充填了115例患者,128个龋坏后牙,效果较满意.1 材料和方法CD可见光敏固化后牙复合树脂、酸处理剂、粘结剂(广东佛山敦厚齿科材料厂生产).牙用光敏固化机.垫底材料:磷酸锌粘固粉,丁香油粘固粉.制洞基本要求与银汞合金修复相似,去净龋坏组织,制成一定抗力形和固位形,如为深龋,去净软龋即可,避免穿髓.用75%乙醇消毒窝洞,忌用含酚类消毒剂,对中度和深度窝洞用磷酸锌水门汀垫底,深龋也可用丁香油水门汀、磷酸锌水门汀双层垫底.垫底后,常规隔湿、干燥,在洞底、洞壁涂上粘结剂,根据洞的大小取足量后牙复合树脂从洞壁一侧填入窝洞,避免产生气泡,适当加压进行充填,用固化刻器仔细修整好形态,嘱患者轻轻对合,调合,光照30s,深龋者可光照60s或分层充填光照;复面洞应上成形片和楔子,籍助它恢复邻面形态,仔细检查牙齿贴合情况,先充填邻面阶梯部分,后充填其余部分,光照30s,固化后取下成形片和小楔子,调整咬合,用小轮形石或小金刚石修整外形,调合.对于洞形固位差者,需用酸蚀法充填.要提高粘结力,需酸蚀牙釉质,对牙髓绝对无害,而酸蚀 In 1991, a total of 115 patients and 128 carious posterior teeth were implanted with photosensitive posterior teeth composite resin, and the results were satisfactory.1 Materials and Methods CD visible light-cured posterior composite resin, acid treatment agent and adhesive (Guangdong Foshan Dunhou Dental Materials Factory) .Dental photosensitive curing machine .Base material: zinc phosphate cement, clove oil cement .Calcium basic requirements and silver amalgam repair similar to the net carious tissue, made of certain Resistant shape and retention shape, such as deep caries, to clean the soft caries can be avoided through the marrow.With 75% ethanol disinfection cavity hole, avoid using phenolic disinfectants, moderate and depth cavity with zinc phosphate cement Bottom, deep caries can also be clove oil cement, zinc phosphate cement double bottom. After the bottom, the conventional moisture, dry, at the bottom of the cave, coated with adhesive, according to the size of the hole to take adequate amount of posterior teeth composite resin from Side of the hole filled into the nest cavity to avoid bubbles, the appropriate pressure to fill, with a good cure trimmer carefully trimmed morphology, Zhu Huanzhe lightly matched, blending, light 30s, caries who can light 60s or layered Fill light; double-sided holes should be shaped tablets and wedges, to help it restore the adjacent surface morphology, carefully check the teeth Fit the situation, first fill the adjacent ladder part, then fill the rest of the light, light 30s, after curing remove the forming tablets and small wedges, adjust the bite, with small round shaped stone or small diamond trim appearance, blending. Those who are poor, need to use acid etching filling.To improve the adhesion, need to erode enamel, the pulp is absolutely harmless, and the acid etching
“Science always has been and continues to be international,”said chemist Peter J.Stang,co-winner of China’s International Science and Technology Cooperation