China's Attitude Towards Forests, Forestry and Forest Sciences: Impressions Got by a Westerne

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EDITOR NOTES: The cooperation between forest scientists from the Beijing Forestry University and the Fakultt für Forstwissenschaften und Waldkosysteme der Universitt Gttingen has lasted for 15 years, and a great many of achievements have been gained in the fields of tree physiology, etc.To broaden this cooperation in the coming years,a Chinese delegation visited Institut für Forstbotanik der Universitt Gttingen in May of 2000 with the main purpose of participating a symposium in the honor of 15 years of cooperation.This article was just delivered in the introductory lecture of the symposium.We hope that its publication will be beneficial to further understanding of forestry development in China and to future exchange of scientific researches between China and the West. EDITOR NOTES: The cooperation between forest scientists from the Beijing Forestry University and the Fakultt für Forstwissenschaften und Waldkosysteme der Universitt Gttingen has lasted for 15 years, and a great many achievements have been gained in the fields of tree physiology, etc.To broaden this cooperation in the coming years, a Chinese delegation visited Institut für Forstbotanik der Universitt Gttingen in May of 2000 with the main purpose of participating a symposium in the honor of 15 years of cooperation.This article was just delivered in the introductory lecture of the symposium. We hope that its publication will be beneficial to further understanding of forestry development in China and to future exchange of scientific researches between China and the West.
在液相色谱里,分离取决于所选用的流动相和固定相,即溶剂和色谱柱。总分辨率可表示为:R_s=(1/4)N~(1/2)((α-1)/α)(K′/(K′+1))(i) (ii) (iii)式中:N—塔板数;α—选择系
作能级密度计算伴随蒙特卡罗方法在人工闭探测器有效截面计算中的应用液滴变形能鞍点计算的数值方法14,6兆电子伏中子引起,4lAm裂变截面的测量期页 19八0八勺︸,上OU张百生孙盛
高压液体色谱中检测器是有待研究的薄弱环节,至今缺少像气相色谱中火焰离子化那样高灵敏度和选择性的检测器。 D.H.Fine最近报导了一种用于高压液体色谱的有机氮选择性检测
2016年11月23日,伴随着入冬以来的第一场雪,新四军江南指挥部纪念馆迎来陈毅元帅之子陈小鲁和粟裕大将女儿粟惠宁一行前来参观,随行的还有新四军女机要员罗伊之子李彬等。  4月17日,纪念馆举行了粟裕和楚青的骨灰合葬仪式,陈小鲁、粟惠宁夫妇也曾一起来到这里,但因为来去匆匆,没能在馆内多停留。这次他们在讲解员的引导下,仔细地参观了旧址和史料展览馆。在旧址内,看到复原陈列,他们倍感亲切。在粟裕办公兼卧