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艺术的现代性转换是在人类社会转型,经济、文化、制度变革的大背景下产生的,从艺术思想到美术教育,从艺术创作到史论研究,任何一方面都消除不了现代化进程中的影响。就月份牌来说,它是19世纪末到20世纪中后期在上海产生并发展的一种新兴的艺术形式,集年画、招贴画、广告画于一身。其发端于中国旧式木版年画,受西方招贴画、水彩画、油画的影响,在创作内容、绘画技法、制作过程、艺术风格和创作理念上的转变,是中国艺术现代性转换的时代新声,预示着中国艺术将伴随社会政治、经济、文化的革新而发生质的变化。本文将从比较的角度,从旧式木版年画出发,对两者进行比较,试图揭示出时代变革中中国艺术现代性转换的重要表现形式。 The modern transformation of art is produced under the background of the transformation of human society, economy, culture and system. From art thought to art education, from artistic creation to the study of history theory, the influence of the process of modernization can not be eliminated . As far as the month cards are concerned, it is an emerging art form produced and developed in Shanghai from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. It combines New Year pictures, posters and advertisements. It originated from the Chinese old-fashioned woodcut New Year paintings. Influenced by Western posters, watercolor paintings and oil paintings, the changes in the creative content, painting techniques, production process, artistic style and creative ideas are the new era of the transformation of modern art in China. Chinese art will undergo a qualitative change with social, political, economic and cultural reforms. This article will proceed from the perspective of comparative study from the old-fashioned woodcut New Year Pictures to compare the two in order to reveal the important manifestation of the transformation of the modernity of Chinese art in the changing times.
陕西:延安集邮将推出红色文化展品,还将选拔具有代表性的剪纸艺人进京表演。广东:广东集邮以“岭南古韵,珠江新梦”为主题,拟将“石湾陶瓷”在本届博览会上做特色展示。 Sha
为了探讨中国长时间尺度湖泊时空演变规律和潜在的驱动机制,本文在柯本气候分区和中国季风—非季风区的划分基础上,对中国34个有明确数据的典型湖泊运行CCSM 3.0气候模拟系统
发现地:江苏省常州市武进区清英外国语学校Hello,everyone!我是冯巾宁,我是今天的小导游。Do you want to travel to Australia?Now,let’s go and have a look...我们学校有
摘要科技的进步和物质生产的繁荣,为人们提供了现代化便捷的生活环境,也给现代环境艺术设计带来了空前的契机。现代环境设计是美学观念在当今社会历史条件下的新发展,从审美的角度来归纳现代环境艺术设计的美学规律,是本论文集中探讨的主题。  关键词:环境艺术 现代设计 美学 规律  中图分类号:J01 文献标识码:A    环境艺术设计,就是以不断解决人与自然环境、人工环境的协调发展为任务,为不同国家、民族、