
来源 :临床泌尿外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelagao00
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1990年12月至1991年12月,我院应用WN_2-B型微波内镜治疗仪加电切治疗前列腺增生症30例,取得了满意效果,报告如下。1 临床资料本组30例,年龄55~90(平均65.3)岁。均有明显的临床症状,经直肠指诊、B超和尿流动力学检查确诊为Ⅰ°~Ⅱ°前列腺增生症。其中合并高血压9例,冠心病6例,慢性支气管炎、肺气肿4例,糖尿病2例。心功能Ⅱ型检测仪发现心功能轻度异常9例,中度异常2例。肺功能检测仪发现肺功能 December 1990 to December 1991, our hospital WN_2-B microwave endoscopic treatment plus power cut in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in 30 cases, and achieved satisfactory results, the report is as follows. 1 Clinical data The group of 30 patients, aged 55 to 90 (average 65.3) years old. Have obvious clinical symptoms, the digital rectal examination, B ultrasound and urodynamics confirmed as Ⅰ ° ~ Ⅱ ° benign prostatic hyperplasia. Of which 9 cases of hypertension, coronary heart disease in 6 cases, chronic bronchitis, emphysema in 4 cases, 2 cases of diabetes. Heart function Ⅱ type detector found mild dysfunction in 9 cases, moderate abnormalities in 2 cases. Pulmonary function test found pulmonary function
从 Artemisia sieberi, Cuminum cyminum, Foeniculum vulgare, Heracleum persicum, Menta spicata, Nigella sativa, Rosmarinus officinalis, Zataria multiflora 和 Ziziphora
This study was conducted to investigate the chemical constituents of Piper wallichii(Miq.) Hand.-Mazz. and evaluate their biological activity. Compounds were is
目的:系统研究蜈蚣藻的活性成分。方法:使用硅胶、Sephadex LH-20、ODS 和 HPLC 分离、纯化, 根据理化性质和光谱分析鉴定化合物的结构。结果:分离鉴定了 15 个化合物, 分别为 4
试图在 Achyranthese bidentata Bl 的根学习成分。方法 D-101 多孔的聚合物树脂列,正常阶段的硅石胶化列层析,修订阶段的中等压力列层析, Sephadex LH-20 和 prep-HPLC 被用于
Allophylus africanus P 的不同部分的抗疟药潜力。Beauv 和 Tragia benthamii 贝克在 vivo 被决定为镇压,在收到标准接种物的 0.2 mL 的老鼠的药品和细胞毒素的活动 1 缩放慣
目的:研究秃毛冬青Ilexpubescens Hook.et Arn. var. glabra Chang茎的化学成分。方法:运用多种层析手段对秃毛冬青的石油醚和乙酸乙酯部位进行分离纯化,通过理化鉴定和波谱数
The present study was designed to explore the substrate scope and biocatalytic capability of Gliocladium deliquescens NRRL 1086 on phenolic natural products. Em
It has been reported that hyperspectral data could be employed to qualitatively elucidate the spatial composition of tablets of Chinese medicinal plants.To gain