Research on Key Techniques of Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnosing Systems of Machine Groups

来源 :International Journal of Plant Engineering and Management | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a328623784
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This paper describes the development of the condition monitoring and fault diagnosing system of a group of rotating machinery. The data management is performed by means of double redundant data bases stored simultaneously in both the analyzing server and monitoring client. In this way, high reliability of the storage of data is guaranteed. Condensation of trend data releases much space resource of the hard disk. Diagnosing strategies orientated to different typical faults of rotating machinery are developed and incorporated into the system. Experimental verification shows that the system is suitable and effective for condition monitoring and fault diagnosing for a rotating machine group. This paper describes the development of the condition monitoring and fault diagnosing system of a group of rotating machinery. The data management is performed by means of double redundant data bases stored simultaneously in both the analyzing server and monitoring client. In this way, high reliability of The storage of data is guaranteed. Condensation of trend data releases much space resource of the hard disk. Diagnosing strategies orientated to different typical faults of rotating machinery are developed and incorporated into the system. monitoring and fault diagnosing for a rotating machine group.
由陕西宝鸡市能源研究所研制的 ZBU/G型太阳热水器,其板芯和水箱均采用不锈钢与普通碳素钢复合板材料制成,成本低、耐腐蚀、寿命长、不污染水质,是理想的饮用和洗浴热水装置
在Intel公司正式推出其下一代P6处理器的前夕,Intel的业务总监Craig Barrett最近向PCWeek记者John Dodge和Steve Kousky讲述了该公司目前的一些发展计划。 On the eve of I