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  阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
  In a cold winter, a couple had to move out from the luxury(豪华的) villa(别墅) because of bankruptcy(破产). The 1 worked day and night to 2 the family but with no care of his wife. So she thought,“He doesn’t love me any more, he just 3 his business ... not me.”
  One day, she began to 4 a bath, he stopped her at the door,“Let me take it 5 , okay?”“Why not let me shower first?”she asked. “I was 6 ,sweetie. You take it late, okay?”She was 7 depressed(沮丧的).
  On a morose (阴郁的) day, she found nothing to do and 8 his computer, a few words blurred(使模糊) her eyes ... it was his 9 :
  Today, I was quite 10 . She asked me why I was 11 taking the bath first, and I said to her I was extremely tired. She was unhappy. In her mind, I 12 her not as well as usual, but how can I do? I was not as 13 as before. We moved to the 14 apartment. There was only a shower in the bathroom. It was so cold to take a shower in such a 15 winter. But I found that if one person took the shower first, the room could get a little warm, so every time I rushed to the 16 first. I was thinking that, when she took the shower, the room would get 17 ,at least 1℃,2℃,3℃.
  Now I can’t give her 18 life, bring her to the luxury restaurant, buy expensive dresses for her, 19 at least, I can give her 1℃ 20 .
  If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is to shift(改变) your point of view. Positive 1 is the very factor that you should have.
  By training your thoughts to 2 on the bright side of things, you are more 3 to have the incentive (动力) to follow through on your 4 . You are less likely to be held back by 5 ideas that might limit your performance.
  Your life can be enhanced(提高),and your happiness
  6 , when you choose to change you perspective (态度,观点). Don’t 7 your future to chance, or wait for things to get better 8 on their own. You must go in the direction of your hope and aspirations(抱负). Being to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than 9 them. Remember that power is not 10 control over situations, but the ability to deal with 11 comes your way.
  Always believe that good things are 12 , and remember that mistakes can be 13 that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and 14 it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and 15 . Turn your“worry hours” into“ 16 hours”. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things 17 when you allow yourself to 18 the joys of life. You will find happiness when you 19 positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your 20 .   (以上两篇由江门市新会东方红中学方玉珍老师原创)
  Mark Twain was known as a famous American writer. He wrote many stories. Besides 1 , he also was enthusiastic about fishing. One year he went to Marine for 2 and spent three pleasant weeks in the woods there.
  The moment the holiday 3 , he drove to the 4 with his luggage. There he asked a porter to put it into the train. Then he 5 into the smoking car. At first, the car was
  6 when he got in, but 7 the car was crowded and a man with a pair of glasses got in and was seated opposite him. Mark Twain thought this man looked quite 8 . However, it would be 9 to say nothing in that situation, so he said good morning, and they began to 10 .
  First they talked about the weather and then their topic
  11 on Marine. The 12 said, “We have some beautiful 13 in Marine. It would be a /an 14 to come to Marine without spending some time there. I suppose you have been in our woods, haven’t you?”“Yes, I have,”answered Mark Twain.“I had a great time there. Additionally,
  15 fishing isn’t allowed in Marine at this season, I’ve got lots of fish with my baggage. May I ask who you are, sir?”
  The man stared at Mark Twain for several seconds and then
  16 , “I’m a police officer. My job is to 17 people who hunt and fish during the wrong 18 . And who are you?”
  Mark Twain was surprised and 19 when he heard this. Nervous, he thought 20 and then answered,“ Well, I’m a liar who tells the biggest lies in America.”
  Three Apple engineers and three Microsoft employees are traveling by train to a conference. The Microsoft engineers each buy tickets but the Apple engineers 1 buy a ticket.
  “How are three people going to travel on only one 2 ?”asks a Microsoft employee. “Watch and you’ll see,” 3 an Apple engineer.
  They all board the train. The Microsoft employees take their 4 but all three Apple engineers crowd into a restroom and 5 the door behind them.
  6 after the train has departed, the conductor comes around 7 tickets. He knocks on the restroom door and says, “Ticket, please.” The door opens just a crack and an arm 8 , ticket in hand. The 9 takes it and moves on. The Microsoft employees see this and agree it is quite a
  10 idea.
  So after the conference, the Microsoft employees decide to
  11 the Apple engineers(as they always do)on the return trip to save some 12 . After they 13 the station, they buy one ticket. To their 14 , the Apple engineers don’t buy any ticket at all.   “How are you going to travel without a ticket?”asks one
  15 Microsoft employee.“Watch and you’ll 16 ,” answers an Apple engineer.
  When they 17 the train, the Microsoft employees crowd into a 18 and the Apple engineers crowd into another one nearby. The train departs. Soon one of the Apple engineers 19 his restroom and walks over to where the Microsoft employees are 20 .
  He knocks on the door and says, “Ticket, please...”
  The sight of lightning(闪电)dancing across the night sky looks wonderful. But get too close and there may be 1 .
  Apart from its 2 power, lighting has a good side too. It’s likely that humans 3 fire from lighting. And lighting helps create ozone(臭氧), which protect us from the sun’s 4 rays. Thunderstorms also 5 chemicals, which fall to the earth in the 6 and provide food for plants and soil.
  Be careful. You could be 7 by lighting in several ways:
  You could suffer a direct hit, which 8 electricity through your body for less than a second. Because of the short duration(持续的时间), severe burns aren’t common. Any resulting injuries are usually not 9 .
  If lighting strikes land close to 10 you are standing, the electricity could travel through the 11 and enter your body through your legs. You could also be injured if you’re touching an object that is 12 hit.
  Here are some 13 tips if you’re outdoors during a lighting storm.
  Since lighting can strike even if it is not raining, take shelter when you first 14 thunder in the distance.
  15 open spaces or standing under tall trees. These are frequent targets of lighting strikes.
  16 the distance of the storm with the“three-second rule”. When you see a lighting flash, count the seconds until you hear the bang of thunder. Divide this by three—sound travels about one kilometer every three seconds—and this will give you the 17 distance of the storm from you. If you find the storm is 18 nearer, take cover and stay there until the storm
  19 .
  Remember lighting dancing across a summer sky is a force to be respected, admired and appreciated—from a 20 .
  You have waited 10 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’ break between classes. But when the bell for the next class 1 , you can hardly believe how 2 time has passed. If you are
  3 with this scene, you’ll know how time flies when you are having 4 and drags when you are bored. Now scientists have come up with a reason why this is the 5 .   Studies have shown that patterns of activity in the brain
  6 according to how we focus on a task. When our time is busy with 7 things, we concentrate more on how time is
  8 , which makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly.
  In an experiment 9 by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image while researchers monitored their 10 activity. The 11 were told to first concentrate on how long a /an 12 stayed on the screen, then 13 on the color of the image, and thirdly, study both the length of time and color.
  The results showed that the brain was more active when the volunteers paid attention to more subjects. It is thought that if the brain is 14 , focusing on many aspects of a task, we tend to pay less attention to the clock. 15 , time passes without us really realizing it and seems to go 16 . If the brain is not so 17 , it devotes all its energies to 18 the passing of time, so creating the 19 that time is dragging.
  Next time you feel 20 in class, perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!
  1. D 由后面的but with no care of his wife可知,是“丈夫”日夜工作。
  2. A 根据常识,日夜工作的目的应当是“支撑一个家,养家糊口(support the family)”,再说,根据所填词与the family搭配,也可知填support。
  3. A 上一句中with no care of his wife的care复现,可想到是选项A,将cares about(关心)代入文中,正确,故选A。
  4. C 由动宾搭配可知,应是take a bath;另外,下文多处出现take it,原词复现,故选C。
  5. B 由下文Why not let me shower first?可知,选B。
  6. D 由上文的worked day and night可知,没有信息表明他很“冷”“兴奋”“开心”。
  7. C 由上文He doesn’t love me any more...not me可推断,她已很难过,这次又跟她争着先洗澡,这一定使她“完全”沮丧了。
  8. D 根据常识,应是“打开电脑”,“开”电视、电灯、电脑等应是turn on,故选D。
  9. B 由冒号后的下一段可知,是其丈夫用第一人称写的日记。
  10. A 由上文并结合日记内容可知,自己很关爱妻子,却让妻子误解,根据常识,应是“难过”。
  11. D 由语境可知,应是表达“为什么总是(always)我先洗澡”。
  12. C 由前一句She was unhappy可知,在她心里,“我对待(treat)她不像通常那么好了”。
  13. A 根据文章第一句和本空后面内容only a shower...It was so cold to take a shower...winter等可知, “我不富有”。
  14. B 由文章首句和only a shower可知,就是面积“小的”公寓。
  15. D 与cold, winter有关联的词应是freezing(寒冷的)。
  16. B 由上下文谈论的took the shower可知,是冲进bathroom。
  17. B 根据常识和前后语境,应是“更暖和”。
  18. A 因破产了,搬进窄小的公寓,作者不能给她过上“舒适的”生活了。
  19. C 因I can’t give...与I can give是转折关系,故选but。
  20. C 故事的主题。
  (二) 如果你感到缺少你想要的动力和你需要的动机时,你需做的只是转变观点。积极地看待生活,找到快乐的真谛。
  1. B 由下段第一句中By training your thoughts的thoughts可知,选thinking,因thinking与thoughts是同根词复现。   2. A 四个选项中能与on搭配的只有concentrate on (集中在),故选A。另外,base...on或be based on表示“在……的基础上”。
  3. B 由作状语的分词短语“训练将思维集中在事情的正面”,其结果应是“更可能(are more likely to)”有动力。下句中的are less likely to也提醒我们用likyly。
  4. D 根据搭配和意义,应是“达到你的目标(follow through on your goals)”。由第三段中的go in the direction of your hope and aspirations(抱负)可以进一步确定选goals。
  5. C 与前面的be held back(阻碍)和后面的limit(限制)同现的应是negative(负面的,否定的)。
  6. B“生活质量提高,幸福接踵而来”,与enhanced(提高)同现的应是enrich(丰富)。
  7. C 根据搭配,能接sb./sth. to do sth. 的只有leave,表示“让某人/某事做某事”,句意为“不要让你的未来去冒险或者等待情况变好”,表示“”是。
  8. A 根据前面chance和后面on their own可知,意思是“别指望事情自己可以自然地变好”,故选A。
  9. D 由work through problems(设法克服困难)”可知,“不要逃避(avoid)困难”。
  10. B 意思是“力量不一定(not necessary)能控制局势”。
  11. D 在宾语从句中作主语,表示“任何事物情”,用连接代词whatever(=any thing)。意为“是处理好你所遇到的一切事情的能力”。
  12. A 从本文的主题来看,应是“永远都要相信美好的事情是可能(possible)发生的”。
  13. C 由mistakes(错误)可想到引导你有新发现的lessons(教训)。
  14. C 句中it显然是指前面的fear,应当是把畏惧“转化”为信任。其他选项虽然也可以into搭配,但意义与语境不符:put...into...将……放入……里,fold...into...把……摺成……,throw...into...将……仍进……里。
  15. B 与anxiety并列应是同类词语,四个选项中只有B项符合。句中rise above意思是“克服,不受……的影响”。
  16. D 整篇的主题是转换观点,凡是看阳光一面,特别有下句“不要挥霍浪费精力,将它投到有意义的事情中去”提醒,因此,这里应是将“坐卧不宁”变成“富有成效(productive)”,故选D。
  17. A 由上句“做有意义的事”可知,“美好的事情将会发生(ahppen)”。
  18. C “当你experience(体验)”生活的乐趣时,你才能见证美好的事情发生。
  19. D 由动宾搭配可知,应是“采用(adopt)积极的想法”,而不是改变它。
  20. A 使积极的思想成为你的世界(world)里的一个重要组成部分。你的世界包括了你的人生、思想、生活、经历等。
  1. B 由前一句He wrote many stories,可推知此处是填writing,故选B。
  2. A由第二段第一句The moment the holiday...可知,他是去度假。
  3. D 从后面一句中的porter以及train得知,他的假期已经结束(ended),并且是去火车站(station)。
  4. A 答案由第3题的答案解析可知。
  5. B 由语境可知,马克吐温登上(got on)了火车,故选B。此处的car不是“汽车”,而是火车的“车厢”。
  6. B 由后面的crowded以及but表示的转折关系可知,当他上火车的时候,车厢是空的(empty),故选B。
  7. C 起初(at first)车厢空空如也,渐渐地(gradually),车厢开始拥挤起来,因此答案选C。
  8. C 由However引起转折可知,马克吐温是不愿意和那个陌生人聊天的,由此可推测那人长得令人不快的/不讨人喜欢的(unpleasant),故选C。
  9. D 根据他主动和陌生人打招呼可知,在那种情况下保持沉默是不礼貌的(impolite)。
  10. A 根据下一段的they talked about...可知,他们打完招呼后,就开始聊天(talked),故A是最佳选项。
  11. A 他们先是谈论天气,然后话题就集中到(focused on)缅因州上面来,因此答案选A。
  12. C 直到此时,这名男人的真实身份还不为马克吐温所知,故用stranger(陌生人)最符合语境。
  13. A 由I suppose you have been in our woods可知,此人指的是缅因州美丽的森林,因此A最贴切。
  14. D此人所推荐的缅因州美丽的森林是个景点,由此可知来了这个州不去那里呆上一段时间会是一个遗憾(pity)。
  15. B由前后两句之间的逻辑关系可知。
  16. C 从May I ask who you are, sir?”可知,此处是那名陌生人回答(answered)马克吐温的问题。   17. B 对方既然是警官,他的职责就是抓(catch)那些在禁止捕猎季非法打猎和捕鱼的人,故选B。
  18. D 由上文的fish isn’t 15 in Marine at this season,可知他是在不适宜的季节(seasons)捕鱼。
  19. D 知道对方是警察之后,自己做了违法的事情,自然感到frightened(害怕的),它和后面的nervous(紧张的)对应。
  20. C 由于害怕被抓,马克吐温脑筋快速一转,马上想到一个答案。此处的quick体现出马克吐温的思维敏捷,因此C是最佳选项。
  1. B 句意:微软公司的三名员工各买一张票,而苹果公司的工程师却只是(only)买一张票,故选B。
  2. A 微软公司的员工对他们三个人坐火车只买一张票(ticket)感到不解。
  3. D 由“Watch and you’ll see,”可知,这是苹果公司的工程师对问题的回答(replies),故答案选D。
  4. C but表示转折关系,句中的crowd into表示“涌进”,与之对应的是take one’s turns(轮流),故选C。
  5. A 下文提到The door opens,可知此处指关上(close)门,故选A。
  6. B 车刚出发,售票员就来检票(collect tickets)了。Shortly after...是指“……不久”之意, 故选B。
  7. C 由第6题的答案解析可知。
  8. A 门开了一道缝,一只手露出(appears),故选A。
  9. C 上文提到conductor来验票,这里自然是他把票拿走,故选C。
  10. D 微软公司的员工认为苹果公司工程师的这种做法可以省钱,是聪明(clever)之举。
  11. B 微软公司的员工觉得苹果公司的工程师这种做法很明智,因此想效仿(copy),故选B。
  12. A 模仿苹果公司工程师的做法是为了省钱(save money)。
  13. C 他们一到达(reach)车站,就开始买票。
  14. D 这次苹果公司的工程师一张票都不买,故微软公司的员工感到很惊愕(astonishment),故选D。
  15. B 由How... 可知,微软公司的员工感到不解(puzzled)。
  16. D 意为“你很快就会明白(understand)”。understand和前文出现的see是同义词,都有“明白”之意。
  17. B 根据语境,这里是买票上车(get on)之意。
  18. C 据下文engineers 19 his restroom可知,微软公司的员工是躲进了厕所(restroom)里面。
  19. D 和walks over to(向……走去)意思最接近的是approaches(靠近;接近),故选D。
  20. A 由上下文可知,三名微软公司的员工是藏在(hiding)厕所里面。
  1. B 由but表示转折关系及下文提到的闪电击人的危害,可知此处指的是危险(danger),故选B。
  2. B 据lighting has a good side too可推知,前半句讲的是闪电的害处,故选damaging。
  3. C很可能是,人类从闪电中发现了火,故选C。
  4. A 由常识可知,臭氧层可以保护我们不受到有害的(harmful)太阳紫外线的伤害,故选A。
  5. D 雷暴雨还可以提供(supply)化学成分,故选D。supply和provide是同义词。
  6. D 那些化学成分夹杂在雨水(rain)中,掉到土壤里,故选D。
  7. A 由You could suffer a direct hit可知,此处指的是遭受雷击而受伤(injured),故选A。
  8. B 人被闪电击中后,电流就会在不到一秒钟的时间内传遍全身。guide在这里是“传导”之意,因此选B。
  9. D 依severe burns aren’t common可知,一般不会导致严重的(serious)伤害。serious和severe是近义词,故选D。
  10. C 指你站的地方,where引导宾语从句,表示“……的地方”。
  11. A 据strikes land可知,电流是通过地面(ground)继而大腿进入人体的。
  12. B 由常识可知,要是触摸一件被闪电直接(directly)击中的物体的话,人体可能也会受伤。
  13. C 由下面所列出的三点内容可知,该处讲述的是在室外遭遇闪电的几点安全(safety)小贴士,故选C。
  14. A 即使在不下雨的情况下,远远地听到(hear)雷声,也得找地方躲避,故选A。
  15. C 由These are frequent targets of lighting strikes(这些往往是闪电击打的对象)可知,尽量避免(avoid)不要站在露天的地方或是树底下。   16. A 由下一句的count the seconds可得知,此处是数(calculate)的意思。count和calculate的同义词复现。
  17. B 这样做的话,就能保障你和雷暴雨之间的距离是安全的(safe)。
  18. D 当你发现雷暴雨临近(get closer)的时候,要掩护好自己,并且呆在原地一直等到雷暴雨结束(passes)。
  19. C 答案解析由第18题的答案解析可知。
  20. D 从一定的距离(distance)来讲,划过夏天夜空的闪电是一股令人起敬,叫人仰慕和欣赏的力量。
  1. D 铃和钟表响,习惯用动词ring,故选D。
  2. B 课间休息是放松的时间,自然会觉得过得很快(fast)。
  3. C 假如你对以上的情景很熟悉(familiar)。
  4. A 由常识可知,快乐(having fun)的时间过得很快。
  5. B 句意:现在科学家已经找出这种情况(case)的原因所在了。
  6. D 研究表明:当我们对某事物的关注度不同的时候,我们大脑内部的活动形式也在变化(change)。
  7. C 根据常识,当我们面对不感兴趣的(uninteresting)事物时,我们更多的是留意时间的流逝(passing)。
  8. B 答案由第7题的答案解析可知。
  9. A 做实验,可用make / perform an experiment,故选A。
  10. D 由下一段的The results showed that the brain可知,研究人员研究的是大脑(brain)的活动。
  11. A 由were told可知,主语应是被研究的对象,故选A。
  12. A 由on the color of the image可得知选A。
  13. B 和上一行的concentrate on(集中注意力)同义的是focus on,故选B。
  14. C 由常识可知,当我们大脑很忙(busy)时,就会无暇注意时间。
  15. D 正因为我们忙碌而忽略了时间,因此(therefore),时间不知不觉地溜走了,故选D。
  16. C 当我们忙碌时,时间仿佛过得很快(quickly)。
  17. C 由上文可知,要是我们的大脑不忙,也就是不活跃(active)时,它就会把所有的精力都用来关注(noticing)时间的流逝,给我们的印象(impression)就是时间过得慢。
  18. D 见第17题的解析。
  19. A 见第17题的解析。
  20. B 由后文“你应该专心听讲”可知“你在课堂上感到无聊(bored)”。
  责任编辑 蒋小青
近年,一些养老机构不时爆出护工殴打、捆绑老人的恶劣事件,引发了人们对养老机构监管问题的关注。  在本应担负照顾、爱护老人的养老机构,如何避免发生虐待老人事件?对于养老机构,如何进行科学化监管?  近日,国务院办公厅印发《关于建立健全养老服务综合监管制度促进养老服务高质量发展的意见》(下称意见)。  意见明确提出,依法依规从严惩处养老服务机构欺老、虐老等侵害老年人合法权益的行为,对相关责任人实施行业
【热点材料】  2018年9月18日至20日,第十二届夏季达沃斯论坛(2018年夏季达沃斯论坛)在中国天津举行,本次论坛以“在第四次工业革命中打造创新型社会”为主题,来自全球100多个国家和地区的政商领袖、嘉宾参会。中国国务院总理李克强出席论坛开幕式并发表特别致辞。李克强在致辞中指出,中国经济发展正处在新旧动能转换的关键时期,我们将坚持稳中求进工作总基调,坚持以供给侧结构性改革为主线,进一步激发市
近几年材料作文出现了很多类型,如寓言类、漫画类、时评类等。无论哪类作文,“材料”只是“起跑器”,凭借“起跑器”发力之后,需要层层深入阐明“道理”,即所谓的“缘事说理”。但是,学生在写作中或缺少合适的例子,或举例不当,或举例没有方法,使得说服力不强,造成论证乏力。本文拟从案例入手,分析学生在此方面出现的问题,进而探讨解决問题的方法。  一、举例说理出现的问题  1. 所举现象与中心事例不吻合  以2
2021年,中国共产党迎来建党百年华诞。  面对当今世界百年未有之大变局,如何创新党的国际形象传播路径,以庆祝建党百年为契机提升中国共产党国际形象,让国际社会对中国共产党有更深入、更全面、更立体、更客观、更真实的了解和认知,是创新党的外宣工作的核心要务。党媒融合化宣传:增强主流党媒海外传播效果  作为传统主流媒体的党报、党刊、党台、党网,在庆祝建党100周年的对外宣传中,要着力加强媒体融合化宣传,
【热点材料】  2017年1月17日,世界经济论坛2017年年会在瑞士达沃斯国际会议中心举行,本次年会主题为“领导力:应势而为、勇于担当”。中国国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表了题为《共担时代责任共促全球发展》的主旨演讲。习近平在演讲中强调,要坚定不移推进经济全球化,引导好经济全球化走向,坚持创新驱动,打造富有活力的增长模式;坚持协同联动,打造开放共赢的合作模式;坚持与时俱进,打造公正合理的治理模式
内容摘要:本文围绕我校广州市重点立项的“尚武修德”特色课程实施过程,结合中学生践行社会主义核心价值观的要求,积极探索“尚武修德”特色课程背景下社会主义核心价值观的践行路径,在不同年级有侧重、分层次践行社会主义核心价值观爱国、敬业、诚信、友善公民层面的价值准则,使学生养成良好习惯,提高道德品质。文章主要围绕“尚武修德”特色课程,从基本思路、理论依据、实操路径、实施效果等方面进行阐述。  关键词:尚武