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  【摘 要】刻意曲解是言语交际中的一个普遍现象。刻意曲解是一种特殊的语用策略。在日常生活中,人们主要用它来制造幽默的效果。
  【关键词】刻意曲解 策略 幽默效果
  In communication, in order to achieve a certain communicative purpose, language users often intend to use a particular discourse context or utilize the speakers’ vague and uncertain expression to misinterpret speakers’ meaning. This language phenomenon is called deliberate misinterpretation (DMI).
  The effective ways of humor caused by distortion can create humor in conversation easily by the application of deliberate misinterpretation to achieve the objective of potential communication. Listeners mainly use the uncertainties of language and the ambiguity in conversational implicature to create humorous effect caused by DMI
  1 Utilizing the uncertainties of language
  Uncertainty (fuzzy) is the basic property of natural language. It would affect the results of expression, and even create the misunderstanding. If making a good use of the uncertainty in language, it can not only avoid the trouble, but also help us to achieve specific communicative effects. This section mainly describes how to create humorous effects by DMI from several linguistic levels: voice, vocabulary, syntax, and discourse level.
  1.1 Pronunciation level
  In conversation, the same or similar sound may lead to a mistake in hearing. If he really knows what the speaker wants to convey, the hearer deliberately ignores it and create new meaning, it is a process of carrying out DMI.
  For example:
  Boyfriend: What is your favorite music group?
  Girlfriend: “I love U2”
  Boyfriend: I love you too, but what is your favorite music group?
  In the example, we can see, a sense of humor created by pronunciation is owing to the homophony. “U2” and “ you too” have the same pronunciation, so under this circumstances, maybe the boy has known the answer by the girl’s words, but he wanted to make humorous effect so that he carried out the DMI to make the girl feel happy.
  1.2 Vocabulary level
  In some context, both of the two meanings of the polysemic word may be suitable for the expression but we have conventional usage, so the misunderstanding is possible to be avoided. However, many people deliberately distort the meaning of the sentence to achieve their special purpose, for example, creating humorous effect.
  For example:
  (A student goes to school to register)
  Teacher: “Parents’ name”   Students: “Li Dashan”
  Teacher: “Relation with you”
  Students: “Not very well. He often slugs me.”
  In the context of school register, the teacher asks the student about the relationship with parents obviously refers to ask “Li Dashan” is father or mother, but the student misinterprets the simple relation between parent and child as interpersonal relationship. So the student successfully and humorously expresses his complaint to his father.
  1.3 Discourse level
  Context is a formed communicative environment when language is used. It can be said that the communicative process is actually the process of constructing contexts. DMI is based on the understanding of each other’s discourse to misinterpret the linguistic knowledge and extra linguistic knowledge.
  For example:
  Judge: “you stole not only money but also lots of watches, rings and necklaces.”
  Defendant: “yes, sir. Because I heard that money alone does not bring happiness.”
  From everyday conversational angle, the defendant’s words are no doubt correct, but in this situation, the defendant is in such a language environment, he must use formal language. However, he carries out DMI to distort facts and tries to break away from the crime, but he makes much humorous effect.
  2 Utilizing the ambiguity in conversational implicature
  The ambiguity in conversational implicature makes a discourse has literal meaning and implied meaning in a certain context. In communication, speakers always express the especial communicative intention to hearers by means of a certain form of language and pragmatic content.
  For example:
  Husband: “oh, daring, can you tell me what the fly is doing in my soup?”
  Wife: “I think it is backstroke.”
  According to the basic knowledge, we can get the husband’s real meaning is “:there should be no fly in my soup, the soup cannot be ate.” However, the wife deliberately answers his husband’s question according to the literal meaning——what the fly is doing, and successfully created humorous effect of DMI.
  3 Conclusion
  From the above, we can see DMI not only can make the language more vivid and lively, rich and colorful, but also can maintain face, reconcile the conflict, break the deadlock, create humorous effect and establish harmonious interpersonal relationship. However, everything has a degree, DMI is also the same. If you use this strategy excessively and casually without considering the application skills and constraints, it will lead to negative effects.
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【摘 要】积极的情感态度是健全人格必备的品质,关注学生情感态度的发展成为基础教育课程改革的一项重要内容。英语教学中实施情感教育是培养学生积极情感、促进学生健全人格发展的主要方式。本文从教育心理学和语言学的角度阐述了英语教学中的情感运用的重要性和必要性,并从实践就其进行初步探讨。  【关键词】情感运用 英语教学 教育  教学过程不单是“教与学”,也是师生双方情感的交流。教师的情感态度直接制约着学生的
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由于应用题与小学数学所有基础知识紧密相关,类型较多,且方法灵活,所以一直是小学数学教师教学中的重点与难点之一。基于以上认识,我将结合一些例题,来谈谈小学数学应用题的教学策略。  一、应用题的来源应具备情感化、生活化和主题化  在现实的课堂教学中,很多老师在导入或新授环节考虑了题材的生活化,但在练习中体现较少,或者说学习内容的生活化没有很好地贯穿于学生的整个学习过程。其实从课的导入、新授、练习及发展
The flavone content of aqueous ethanolic extracts of Phellinus fruit bodies obtained from seven different locations was determined.Anti-tumor and antioxidant ac