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香港生产力促进局与香港城市大学得到香港政府工业及科技发展局的资助,合作开设了全港首家设备完善的快速原型科技中心。成立中心的主要目的是为香港工业提供科技支援服务,协助厂家在最短时间内,开发和生产高品质和高附加值的产品,以加强香港工业的竟争力。利用快速原型科技可以迅速制造立体部件,无需厂家在产品开发初期,便要投巨资于模具制造或过分依赖制模技师的个人技艺。这些科技所牵涉的设计及生产过程都以电脑进行,通过电脑数据,可快速制造高质量的原型部件或小批量生产用的模具。香港生产力促进局与城市大学通过互相连系的电脑网络,提供设施及专家顾问服务,其范围包括机械及电子设计、塑胶、金属及电子原型制造、电路板、快速制 Hong Kong Productivity Council and City University of Hong Kong received funding from the Hong Kong Government Agency for Industrial Technology and Technology to co-operate with the first fully equipped Rapid Prototyping Technology Center in Hong Kong. The main purpose of the establishment of the center is to provide technology support services to Hong Kong’s industry and assist manufacturers to develop and produce high quality and value-added products in the shortest time so as to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong’s industries. Using rapid prototyping technology can quickly manufacture three-dimensional components, without the manufacturers in the early stages of product development, they have invested heavily in mold manufacturing or over-reliance on individual technicians mold technician. The design and manufacturing processes involved in these technologies are all computerized, enabling the rapid production of high quality prototype parts or small batch molds through computer data. Hong Kong Productivity Council and City University provide facilities and expert consultancy services through interconnected computer networks ranging from mechanical and electronic design, plastic, metal and electronic prototyping, circuit boards, rapid prototyping
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清华美院毕业的画家王昱珩,在第三季《最强大脑》中用肉眼从520杯清水中找出他见过的那一杯,震惊观众,被称为“鬼才之眼”。此后在中日PK赛中,王昱珩毅然放弃两小时的观察机会,迅速从200把折叠扇中找出自己见过的3把,轻松战胜日本选手。但令人想不到的是,天赋异禀、霸气外露的他在生活中却是细心、温柔的“情侣爸爸”。  任性爸爸:不为女儿设禁区  王昱珩出生于北京一个条件优越的家庭,父亲是顶尖的设计师,母
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