Overview of Criminal Technology Testing Agencies in Hong Kong Areas collectively referred to as criminal technology in the Mainland are covered by Hong Kong Police and another government agency. The Police Force is only responsible for some of the technical analysis and inspection work. The technical inspection and appraisal agencies include the forensic division, the forensic forensic science department, the forensic forensic science division, the bomb disposal department and the police dog training school. Another part of criminal technology work is provided by the government Laboratory commitment. Among them, the Security Bureau’s Evidence Division, Ordnance Division and Government Laboratory are the key points of this visit. The Crime Division of the Police Force is a professional technical department that provides fingerprinting and photographic services to the Hong Kong Police Force and other law enforcement agencies. Its main task is to carry out integrated technical work around the identification of fingerprints, including fingerprinting at crime scenes and To collect and extract, show treatment, inspection and identification, take pictures and to the court to identify