一场“春雨” 一场“喜雨”——温州“一号工程”解读

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市委市政府把招商引资作为今年全市的“一号工程”。2月22日,市委、市政府召开了“全市招商引资”大会。参加会议的人数有千人之众,市四套班子主要领导都出席了会议,会上还颁布了一系列对市级机关、职能部门的考核办法,体现了市委、市政府对招商引资工作的空前决心与力度。所有这些,在温州都是史无前例的。这次“全市招商引资”大会,既是春节之后市委、市政府召开的第一个全市性大会,也是落实市委九届五次全会和市“两会”精神、集中精力破解招商引资难题、加快开放型经济发展的一个动员大会、誓师大会。根据市委、市政府的要求,今年全市招商引资的具体目标是,协议利用外资6亿美元,实际利用外资3亿美元以上;实际利用内资16亿元以上。这是必须要完成的目标,是一个底线。一定要集中全市的力量和智慧,努力实现招商引资的新突破。大会要求,在实际工作中要把握四条原则、主攻四个重点、强化四项工作。市委书记王建满把当天召开的大会,比喻成是一场“春雨”,一场“喜雨”。 Municipal government to attract investment as the city this year, “No. One project.” February 22, the municipal government held a “city investment” conference. The attendance of thousands of people attended the meeting, and the main leaders of the four groups in the city attended the meeting. At the meeting, a series of assessment measures on municipal organs and functional departments were also promulgated, which reflected the suggestions of the municipal party committee and government on investment promotion Unprecedented determination and intensity. All of these are unprecedented in Wenzhou. This “citywide investment attraction” meeting is not only the first citywide convention convened by the municipal party committee and government after the Spring Festival, but also the spirit of the “two sessions” of the 5th Plenary Session of the Ninth Central Committee of the CPC and the municipal government, and concentrates efforts on cracking down investment promotion and opening up A mobilization meeting for economic development, pledging assembly. According to the requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, the specific goal of attracting investment in the whole city this year is to utilize 600 million U.S. dollars of foreign investment and 300 million U.S. dollars of foreign capital actually utilized. The actual utilization of domestic capital is 1.6 billion yuan or more. This is a goal that must be accomplished and a bottom line. Must focus on the power and wisdom of the city, and strive to achieve a new breakthrough in investment. The General Assembly demanded that we grasp the four principles in our practical work, focus on the four key points and strengthen the four tasks. Party Secretary Wang Jian-ming held the day of the General Assembly, compared to a “spring rain”, a “happy rain.”
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