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结核病是严重危害人类健康的疾病,其病因自郭霍发现结核菌是结核病的病原体以来,人类已和结核斗争了100多年。然而时至今日,它仍然是我国一个严重问题。其主要表现有“五高一慢”:1、感染率高。全国至少有5亿以上人口受到结核菌感染。2、患病率高。全国活动性肺结核患病率为523/10万,约有结核病人600余万,涂阳患病率为134/10万,有传染性肺结核病人200余万。3/4的病人年龄在结核病是严重危害人类健康的疾病,其病因自郭霍发现结核菌是结核病的病原体以来,人类已和结核斗争了100多年。然而时至今日,它仍然是我国一个严重问题。其主要表现有“五高一慢”:1、感染率高。全国至少有5亿以上人口受到结核菌感染。2、患病率高。全国活动性肺结核患病率为523/10万,约有结核病人600余万,涂阳患病率为134/10万,有传染性肺结核病人200余万。3/4的病人年龄在 Tuberculosis is a serious disease that endangers human health. Its cause has been fighting tuberculosis more than 100 years since Guo Hu discovered that tuberculosis is the pathogen of tuberculosis. However, it is still a serious problem in our country today. Its main manifestations are “five high and one slow”: 1, the infection rate is high. At least 500 million people in the country are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2, high prevalence. The prevalence of active tuberculosis in the country is 523/10 million, about 600 million people have tuberculosis, the prevalence of smear-positive is 134/10 million, and there are more than 2 million infectious tuberculosis patients. Three-quarters of the patients are tuberculosis, a disease that is seriously endangering human health. The etiology of tuberculosis has been struck by tuberculosis for more than 100 years since Guo Hu discovered that tuberculosis was the cause of tuberculosis. However, it is still a serious problem in our country today. Its main manifestations are “five high and one slow”: 1, the infection rate is high. At least 500 million people in the country are infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 2, high prevalence. The prevalence of active tuberculosis in the country is 523/10 million, about 600 million people have tuberculosis, the prevalence of smear-positive is 134/10 million, and there are more than 2 million infectious tuberculosis patients. Three-fourths of patients are at age
在横贯齐鲁的海岸线上,竞相生长着一道惹人注目的茂密林带。它非同一般,那绿的景色时时浮现在我的眼前,使我久久难以忘却。这就是久负盛名的引黄济青。 今年夏日,我再次游览
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应用高压氧治疗脑卒中166例,总有效率为91.5%.并探讨了本疗法与病程和疗程与疗效的关系. Application of hyperbaric oxygen treatment of stroke in 166 cases, the total effec
“情感态度与价值观”作为一种教学理念的培养和目标达成,对全面提高学生的素质有着重要意义.  1 通过生活现象创设问题情境 调动学生学习物理的积极性  心理学告诉我们:“兴趣是人们对事物的选择性态度,是积极认识某种事物或参加某种活动的心理倾向.它是学生积极获取知识,形成技能的重要动力.”在学生即将学习新知识的时候,创设新奇的学习情境,会激起学生积极探究新知的心理和学习兴趣.物理教学问题情境如果能从学