
来源 :灾害学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awaydedao132
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1998年6月22日,闽北地区出现百年一遇的特大洪水,从而引发了政和县境里发生特大山体滑坡。本文就此次灾害的灾情、发生条件进行了分析;并对如何识别地质灾害及如何防治滑坡灾害作了进一步分析。 On June 22, 1998, a major flood once in a century occurred in the northern part of Fujian Province, which triggered the landslides of huge mountains in Zhenghe County. In this paper, the disasters of the disaster, the conditions were analyzed; and how to identify geological disasters and how to prevent landslide disasters made a further analysis.
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