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用试验和调研的方法对2010—2014年云南保山低纬度高海拔籼粳交错区开展的两用核不育系繁殖进行总结分析,结果表明:在云南保山市籼粳交错的适宜区域繁殖水稻两用核不育系具有繁殖产量高、产量稳定、种子质量好等优势;繁殖全生育期155~175 d的中稻不育系适宜播期为3月下旬到4月20日,全生育期短于155 d的不育系适宜播期为4月1—15日;在适宜播期内保证正常秧龄移栽条件下,适当早播有利于育性转换,提高繁种产量;不同的不育系其全生育期和育性转换起点温度不同,其最适宜的繁殖海拔区域也不同;针对不育系特性充分利用云南保山自然气候资源的立体性因地制宜选择隔离区是高产高效繁殖的关键;水稻两用核不育系高产施肥技术的核心是促进育性转换与促进健壮生长同步,做到重底早追,促前期发苗足,同时要搞好以水浆和病虫害防治为主的科学管理。 Experiments and surveys were conducted to summarize and analyze the dual-genic male sterile lines propagated in the low latitude indica-japonica crisscross region between 2010 and 2014 in Yunnan province. The results showed that in the suitable region of indica-japonica crosses in Baoshan, Yunnan, The male sterile lines had the advantages of high yield, stable yield and good seed quality. The suitable sowing dates of CMS lines between 155 and 175 days after breeding were shorter than the end of March to April 20, The optimum sowing date of 155 days was from April 1 to April 15; under the conditions of proper sowing date to ensure normal seedling age transplanting, proper sowing date was conducive to fertility conversion and increase the yield of breeding; different male sterile lines The most suitable reproductive altitudinal area is also different for the whole growth period and the beginning of fertility transition. According to the characteristics of CMS, the three-dimensional nature of natural climate resources in Baoshan, Yunnan is the key to high-yield and high-efficiency breeding. The core of high-yield fertilization technology of nuclear sterile line is to promote the synchronization of fertility transformation and promote the robust growth, so that the heavy-end and early-catch should be pursued and the seedlings should be promoted early. At the same time, scientific management with water slurry, pest and disease control as the mainstay should be well done.
河南平禹煤电有限责任公司白庙矿位于禹州市西文殊镇境内,东距许昌市60 km,南距平顶山市48 km,交通十分便利。矿井始建于1975年,先后经过3次技术改造,设计生产能力由3万t/a增