Relieving the Impacts of Oral Contraceptives on Lipids Profile by Taking Pills in a Novel Scheme

来源 :Reproduction & Contraception | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuandt
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Objective To explore whether the changes on lipids profile induced by oral contraceptives could be reduced through alternatively administering two oral contraceptives of different formulations (either predominant in progestogen or estrogen) Materials &. Methods A total of 59 women aged 25- 45 were divided into two treatment groups.The subjects in Group A received oral contraceptive A (Oc A: NET 0. 600 mg + EE 0. 035 mg) and B (OcB: LNG 0. 15mg + EEO. 03 mg) alternatively during 12 treatment cycles. Each contraceptive was administrated for three cycles consecutively with starting from OcA. The subjects in the B group received OcB only during 12 treatment cycles. Fasting blood were drawn before treatment, at the end of each trimester treatment and at the end of one cycle after stopping treatment respectively. The concentrations of lipids and apolipoproteins were measured.Results OcA increased the levels of triglyceride(TG) , total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol(HDL-c) , and apolipo Objective To explore whether the changes on lipids profile induced by oral contraceptives could be reduced by alternatively two oral contraceptives of either formulations (either predominant in progestogen or estrogen) Materials & Methods A total of 59 women aged 25-45 were divided into two treatment groups. These subjects in Group A received oral contraceptive A (Oc A: NET 0. 600 mg + EE 0. 035 mg) and B (OcB: LNG 0.15 mg + EEO. 03 mg) The subjects in the B group received OcB only during 12 treatment cycles. Fasting blood were drawn before treatment, at the end of each trimester treatment and at the end of one cycle after stopping treatment respectively. The concentrations of lipids and apolipoproteins were measured. Results OcA increased the levels of triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein-cholesterol L-c), and apolipo
太极拳阴阳合德,练其形而传其神,传其神而达其意,达其意而先其心,以心行气,以气运身,神气鼓荡,内气潜转,源动腰脊,劲贯四梢,丹田吐力,功力老到,支撑八面 Tai Chi yin and y
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