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去年底,由上海市行政法制研究所主办、苏州大学等单位学者参与的行政听证制度研讨会在上海举行。研讨会对中国的行政听证制度方方面面的问题进行了全面、深入的讨论,这在全国尚属首次。这次研讨会的特点是充满着理论联系实际、百家争鸣、自由研讨的学术氛围。鉴于我国法学界对行政听证制度方面的理论研究还不太多,笔者特将几个主要方面的讨论情况追述如下:一、关于行政昕证制度的由来和法理基础一种意见认为:行政听证制度对中国来说,是“舶来品”,是现代中国借鉴外国有益的行政法制度的成果。中国古代就有“兼听则明、偏信则暗”的辩证思想,但主要用于官吏听讼断案方面,并长期为维护君权和官僚制度所用。因此中国长期以来在行政领域没有产生过独立的民主的行政听证制度。西方听证思想已有很长的历史,但其法理基础主要是英国的“自然公正”原则、美国的“正当法律程序”以及德国的法治理论和依法行政原理等。例如英国的“自然公正”原则中主要内容包括“任何人的辩护必须被公正地听 At the end of last year, a seminar on administrative hearing system, which was sponsored by the Institute of Administrative Law of Shanghai and attended by scholars and scholars from Suzhou University, was held in Shanghai. The seminar conducted a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on various aspects of China’s administrative hearing system, which is the first time in the country. The seminar is characterized by its academic atmosphere of integrating theory with practice, contending with one another and freely discussing. In view of the fact that there are not many theoretical studies on the system of administrative hearings in China’s jurisprudence, the author reviews several major aspects of the discussions as follows: First, the origin and legal basis of the administrative license system One opinion is that the administrative hearing system For China, it is a “imported product” and is the result of modern China’s borrowing from the administrative law system that is of benefit to foreign countries. In ancient China, there were dialectical ideas of “listening to the rules, believing in the rules and believing in the darkness,” but they were mainly used in the case of hearing offenses by officials and for a long time to safeguard the monarchy and the bureaucratic system. Therefore, China has long had no independent democratic administrative hearing system in the administrative field. The western hearing theory has a long history, but its legal basis is mainly the “natural justice” principle in the United Kingdom, the “due process of law” in the United States, the rule of law in Germany and the principle of administration according to law. For example, the main elements of the “natural justice” principle in the United Kingdom include: "Anyone’s defense must be impartially heard
在这个早春的凌晨四五点钟,天气还是很冷的,走在回宿营车的路上,虽然说是干了一晚上的活儿,山子的心情还是很不错的。他看到远处天边黑夜与黎明纠缠的一点白,天快亮了,路边不知名的鸟雀叫一声,隔了很久再叫一声,像是在试探着去叫醒这一天的清晨。  山子是一名铁路工人,干的是铁路大修的活儿。大修人有一个特点,他们是没有家的,铁路整修到哪儿,他们的宿营车就开到哪儿,他们就在哪儿住,至于几公里甚至是上百公里外的那
利用SEM 研究了复合电沉积工艺条件对Ni_Mo 沉积层成分和形貌的影响。根据总的复合电镀工艺时间来相应改变N2H4·H2SO4 的浓度,成功地制备了Ni_Mo_金刚石( 粒径为5μm) 的复合电沉积层。另外,利用EPMA 对Ni_Mo_金刚石
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利用有精确解的Ringleb 流动构造了用于检验流场计算精度的工具,并用这种工具对中心有限体积法的精度进行了研究。深入讨论了网格、边界处理、人工粘性等对计算精度的影响。结果定量
本刊讯:2009年5月27日,《商务部办公厅住房和城乡建设部办公厅关于开展2009年全国散装水泥宣传周活动的通知》(商办商贸函【2009】39号)文件下发,以“发 Ben Kanxun: On May