
来源 :湖南安全与防灾 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:llwjm
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在全党和全国各族人民深入贯彻落实党的十六大精神,举国上下热烈欢庆我国“两会”胜利召开之际,湖南省安全生产监督管理局于3月12日正式揭牌成立。这是湖南安全生产工作中的一件大事,也是湖南安全生产工作中一块重要的里程碑,对进一步做好湖南的安全生产工作,具有十分重要的意义。新中国成立以来,安全监管体制历经了多次变革,监管机构或建或撤,监管职能或分或合,监管领域或宽或窄,执法权力或大或小,但总体呈现渐进的态势。安全生产监管机构的提升和加强,有着理论、现实和法律的支点,可谓水到渠成。从理论来看,安全生产与“三个代表”重要思想有着内在的必然联系,安全生产事关人民的生命安全,反映了广大人民的根本 At a time when the entire party and people of all nationalities in the country have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the CPC and the entire country warmly celebrated the victory of our “two sessions,” the Hunan Work Safety Supervision and Administration Bureau was officially opened on March 12. This is a major event in Hunan’s work safety work and an important milestone in Hunan’s work safety work. It is of great significance to further improve work safety in Hunan. Since the founding of New China, the safety regulatory system has undergone many changes. The regulatory agencies have been gradually or gradually changed from large or small to large or narrow, with or without regulatory functions or sub-mergers, regulatory areas, large or small. The upgrading and strengthening of safety regulatory agencies have the fulcrum of theory, reality and law that they can be said as a last resort. From a theoretical point of view, there is an inherent and necessary link between safety in production and the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and safety in production concerns the safety of people’s lives and reflects the fundamental principle of the broad masses of people
在本文中.J.R.Foreman讨论了最近以采用热释电效应为基础的热成象技术发展。 In this paper, J.R. Forestman discusses the recent development of thermography based on
吴晓华(WU Xiao-hua)1963年出生,1985年毕业于内蒙古农业大学农学院(原内蒙古农牧学院农学系)。同年分配到内蒙古农科院作物研究所,从事农作物种质资源的收集、保存、创新与
纯牛羊粪及其按7:3;5:5;3:7的比例混均,堆制后其庸熟的速度及PH值、电导及养价含量的变化有差异,腐熟后的C/N比不同。 Pure cattle and sheep manure and their mixed according to