白蘑菇亦称双孢菇,是人们喜爱的食用菌之一。目前有70多个国家种植,是世界栽培面积最大的一种食用菌。1935年前后传入我国,1972年国内开始大面积发展。 本县已有13年(1972—1984年)的种菇历史,1984年栽培面积发展到约6.8万m~2,总产达约110万斤,产值110万元。1985年已发展到约12.2刀m~2,比1984增加46%。 白蘑菇对温、湿条件的适应范围很窄,要求严格的生育环境。在不同生育阶段对温、湿、肥、气条件的要求有明显的不同。我国目前采用自然温、湿度调节进行生产,菇房温、湿度防外界环境条件变化而变化,因此,只能在春秋季栽培。然而,春、秋季自然界温、湿度变化较大,而且年际间也有较
White mushroom also known as Agaricus bisporus, is one of the favorite edible mushrooms. Currently there are more than 70 countries planted, is the world’s largest cultivated area of an edible mushroom. In 1935 introduced to our country, in 1972 the country began large-scale development. The county has 13 years (1972-1984) of the history of the mushroom cultivation in 1984 developed to about 68,000 m 2, with a total production of about 110 million pounds, the output value of 1.1 million yuan. In 1985 it had grown to about 12.2 mm2, an increase of 46% over 1984. White mushrooms on the warm, wet conditions to adapt to a very narrow range, demanding reproductive environment. At different stages of growth on the temperature, humidity, fertilizer, gas conditions are significantly different requirements. At present, China uses natural temperature and humidity regulation to produce mushroom house temperature and humidity changes in the prevention of environmental conditions change, therefore, can only be cultivated in spring and autumn. However, the spring and autumn natural temperature and humidity vary greatly, but also between years