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在21世纪的国际舞台上,拉丁美洲已经成为中国不可或缺的伙伴。中拉不断密切的高层往来、日益蓬勃的经贸合作等,都昭示着二者在彼此国际战略中的重要地位仅仅30多年前,中国与拉美还是相互陌生的国度,除古巴外,中拉双方的交往仅限于常规的外交往来,对彼此缺乏了解。而今,中国已成为全球第二大经济体,对全球经济、国际事务的影响力举足轻重;拉美也成长为全球新兴经济体最为密集的地区之一,并逐渐摆脱其在国际事务的"边 In the international arena of the 21st century, Latin America has become an indispensable partner of China. China and Latin America continue to be strangers to each other more than 30 years ago. Except for Cuba, the two countries, China and Latin America, have maintained their position as leaders of the two countries. Communication is limited to regular diplomatic contacts, lack of understanding of each other. Now that China has become the world’s second-largest economy, which has a decisive influence on global economy and international affairs, Latin America has also grown to become one of the most densely-populated regions in the world’s emerging economies and gradually gets rid of its influence on international affairs
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