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大型活动进退场期间产生超大量客流,人群成分复杂,对地铁站台空间和运行能力产生威胁,也隐含踩踏事件、地铁事故等安全问题。地铁自身的薄弱点和大型活动产生的安全隐患是城市地铁风险分析的两大因素。文中利用风险评估方法对大型活动期间地铁所面临的威胁及地铁本身存在的薄弱环节进行了分析,并就如何做好大型活动期间地铁的安全运营提出了相关措施建议。 Large-scale activities during the exit and exit have a large number of passenger flow, the composition of the complex population, the subway station space and operational capacity threats, but also implies stampede events, subway accidents and other safety issues. The weak points of the subway itself and the hidden dangers caused by the large-scale activities are two major factors in risk analysis of urban subway. In this paper, the risk assessment methods are used to analyze the threats to the subway during the large-scale events and the weak links in the subway itself. Relevant measures and suggestions are put forward on how to make the subway run safely during the large-scale events.
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